Dyma fraslun o rywfaint o’r gweithgareddau yr ydym yn gobeithio eu hastudio yn ystod y tymor / This is a brief summary of some activities we hope to cover.


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Presentation transcript:

Dyma fraslun o rywfaint o’r gweithgareddau yr ydym yn gobeithio eu hastudio yn ystod y tymor / This is a brief summary of some activities we hope to cover this term. Cymraeg/Welsh: Develop reading skills Read and discuss class novel Encourage and practice correct sentence construction in written and oral work Ensure correct use of punctuation in written work Further develop dictionary skills Learn new idioms related to theme Develop and extend vocabulary – adjectives, adverbs etc GENRES Autobiography Report Instructions Gwyddoniaeth/Science: Recognise main parts of a flower Life cycle of a flower Plants and animals in various environments Interdependence of plants and animals Food chains Classify animals - herbivores, omnivores, carnivores etc Mathemateg/Mathematics: Revise and practice times tables Place value up to and beyond 1,000,000 Multiplication and division strategies Recognise equivalent fractions and decimals Recognise percentages of a given sum Length of migration flights Tree heights Investigate bird wing span Use scales to discover distances Present data Record measurements in different ways English:. Read a variety of books and texts – both fact and fiction Spellings from Spelling Scheme of Work and those arising from children’s own work. Investigate sentence structures Use of punctuation Broaden vocabulary – adjectives, adverbs GENRES Persuasive writing Instructions Book Review Celf/Art: Study photographs of birds and paint / sketch their own Use leaves to create an Autumnal collage Walk around the school grounds taking pictures of nature Create a classroom display of the children’s photographs Experiment with tone colour Daearyddiaeth/Geography: Study the geographical features of some countries – climate, landscape etc Classify countries to northen or southern hemispheres and contrast Investigate bird migration from northen to southern hemispheres How we can protect our environment Addysg Gorfforol/Physical Education: Games – ball skills – rugby and football Exercises in throwing, catching, tagging, kicking, passing, defending Gymnastics – practicing and perfecting shapes and movements, create a sequence of movements as individuals, in pairs, as a group Evaluate their work T.G.Ch/I.C.T Use of internet to gather information Present information in the form of text, pictures and tables Data Handling – create a databas to present, read and analyse information Digital Literacy – Safety when using the Internet Cerddoriaeth/ Music Listen and respond to “Carnival of the Animals” – Saint Saens / Peter and the Wolf Discuss some of the musical elements – pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, Experiment with various instruments to emulate animal sounds Perform and evaluate their own and others’ work referring to musical elements Addysg Grefyddol/Religious Studies:A.B.Ch/ P.S.E Judaism – important religious events and ceremonies How we can look after our environment Effect of food chains on environment Man’s effect on the Tropical Rain Forests Seal Scheme – New Beginnings Technoleg Dylunio/Design and Technology: Investigate various types of shelters Look at various types of bird houses Design and make a bird house Make food balls and / or bird feeders Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau Primary School Thema/Theme: Gwyrth y Gwyllt Dosbarth – 6 Class - Tymor yr Hydref 2015 Autumn Term 2015