Unit 8.5 Lesson 1 Databases Murder at Highfield High Start/Computer/Central Resources/ Future Skills/Computer Science/ Year 8 / 8.5 Databases - Copy Unit folder into your documents. Organise - copy
Discuss the following 1)What is the main purpose of a database And information you can add. 2) Examples of businesses that use a database with reasons why
Discussion Point 1 In the times of the Yorkshire Ripper there were no computerised databases Police used paper records instead Discuss the following with the person sat next to you – you have 2 minutes to discuss! –What difficulties do you think the police had in solving this crime? Start/Computer/Central Resources/ Future Skills/Computer Science/ Year 8 / 8.5 Databases - Copy Unit folder into your documents. Organise - copy
Feedback Have a look at your assessment from last lesson and correct answers using a green pen. Reflect on this unit WWW: EBI:
Activate: Lesson Aims All: I can evaluate databases and filter results. GoodOutstanding I can search a database using Filter and Advanced Filter I can Evaluate mistakes found in a database I can analyse strengths and weaknesses of using a database
Revision A database is a carefully organised filing cabinet or library of data – stored on computer Database software is designed to store data in a way that makes it easy to sort and search Database software can handle very large amounts of data very quickly eg Google
Scenario An horrific murder has taken place at Highfield High School on staff training day The police have compiled a database of staff in the school at the time of the murder So far, the police have interviewed the deputy head and headteacher They have collected descriptions of all the teachers and where they were at the time of the murder Your task during this unit is to find out who the murder is!
Activity 1 Copy the Year 8 database 8.5 folder into your documents. Open the Murder database file and lesson 6 activity folder. You need to use a filter to search the database outlined in your Learning Log Don’t forget to record their names on your sheet
Filter Click Records, Filter, Advanced Filter/Sort Select the correct field or fields to search in eg Shoe Size This filter is looking for suspects with: Size 10 Feet that are blonde and work in maths department and are 6ft or work in the English department and are 6ft Enter the search criteria(s)
What now? The police would like you to search for the following suspects using tblsuspects. Use Filter, Advanced Filter/Sort to search for the following information You have this lesson to do the Filter and find the murderer! Don’t rush – you must be accurate or the wrong person will be convicted of a crime they didn’t commit! Extension – Lesson 2 - activity 2 and 3
Challenge Complete lesson activity 3 in your document on page 5
Consolidate: Key Words: Filter, Sort, Database, Input Forms, Query, reports, Information, Google slides, Google