Virginia Department of Corrections Community Release Unit BPRO, POSSESS, VASWP Fall 2015 CONFERENCE October 1, 2015
Community Release Unit *Role and structure of the Community Release Unit *Types of releases *About 13,000 offenders released last year *Increased number of offenders with specialized needs
Who are the Community Reentry Specialists (CRS)? Area and Statewide specialists Homeless assistance Care coordination Resource development, linkages Policy analysis Pre-release benefits application process technical assistance providers
Why do we apply for pre-release benefits? Income for housing and programs Continuity of care Providers more likely to accept Reduce homelessness Reduce recidivism
DOC Pre-release Benefits Application Process SSI- MOA with SSA and DRS/DDS Specialized, expedited process Application timeframes: 120/disabled, 30/age-based Medicaid- DSS Incarcerated Individuals Pre-release planning policy Application timeframes: 90/disabled, 45/age-based
Placement options Transitional housing programs Assisted living and nursing facilities Permanent supportive housing programs
Supportive Services Dialysis Oxygen DME Hospice Home health Mental health intensive services
Gaps/Barriers Medicaid application processing timeframes Prior locality discrepancies Medicaid cover letter
DOC Community Release Unit Specialized CRS Contact information Donna Harrison, Supervisor (804) 887-8163 Kendra Coleman, CRS (804) 887-8336 Ashley Morales, CRS (804) 887-7922