Ch 7.1 Forming Ions
Review… Cations are Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A They have positive charges. Anions are Groups 5A, 6A, and 7A They have negative charges They end in “ide” Majority of elements in Groups 4A and 8A do not usually form ions. These are called monatomic ions!
Ions of Transition Metals Some transition metals in Groups 1B-8B form more than one cation with different charges. Examples: Iron forms Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ Two methods of naming: Stock System: Iron (II) ion and Iron (III) ion Classical name: Ferrous ion and Ferric ion *We will use the stock system.
Common Metal Ions with More than One Ionic Charge SymbolStock NameClassical Name Cu + Copper(I) ionCuprous ion Cu 2+ Copper(II) ionCupric ion Fe 2+ Iron(II) ionFerrous ion Fe 3+ Iron(III) ionFerric ion *Hg 2 2+ Mercury(I) ionMercurous ion Hg 2+ Mercury(II) ionMercuric ion Pb 2+ Lead(II) ionPlumbous ion Pb 4+ Lead(IV) ionPlumbic ion
Common Metal Ions with More than One Ionic Charge SymbolStock NameClassical Name Sn 2+ Tin(II) ionStannous ion Sn 4+ Tin(IV) ionStannic ion Cr 2+ Chromium(II) ionChromous ion Cr 3+ Chromium(III) ionChromic ion Mn 2+ Manganese(II) ionManganous ion Mn 3+ Manganese(III) ionManganic ion Co 2+ Cobalt(II) ionCobaltous ion Co 3+ Cobalt(III) ionCobaltic ion
Other Transition Metal Ions Some transition metals have only one charge and do not use a Roman numeral. Examples (Write on your periodic table!) Silver: Ag + Cadmium: Cd 2+ Zinc: Zn 2+
Polyatomic Ions The names of most polyatomic anions end in “-ite” or “-ate” The “-ite” ending indicates one less oxygen atom than the “-ate” ending Remember to use parentheses if more than one is needed.
Write the formula that will form between Ba and Cl Solution: 1. Write the positive ion of metal first, and then negative ion Ba 2+ Cl 2. Do the charges equal zero? NO!! 3. Use Criss-Cross method – write subscripts Ba 2+ Cl 1 BaCl 2
Write the correct formula for the compounds containing the following ions: 1. Na +, S Al 3+, Cl - 3. Mg 2+, N Al 3+, S 2-
1. Na +, S 2- Na 2 S 2. Al 3+, Cl - AlCl 3 3. Mg 2+, N 3- Mg 3 N 2 4. Al 3+, S 2- Al 2 S 3
Binary Compound: is composed of two elements and can be either ionic or molecular.
Naming Binary Ionic Compounds To name a binary ionic compound, place the cation name first, followed by the anion name. Remember the anion ends in “-ide” Examples: Cs 2 O NaBr CuO Cesium Oxide Sodium Bromide Copper(II) Oxide
Naming Compounds with Polyatomic Ions State the cation first and then the anion just as you did in naming binary ionic compounds. KNO 3 Mg(ClO 2 ) 2 Potassium Nitrate Magnesium Chlorite
Naming Binary Molecular Compounds Binary molecular compound: must be composed of two nonmetals Use prefixes to indicate the number and kind of atom in the compound Use the following general format: 1st name: prefix + element name 2nd name: prefix + element name + “ide” If there is only 1 of the 1 st element, no prefix.
Prefixes in Covalent Compounds pg 228 Number of atoms PrefixNumber of atoms Prefix 1mono-6hexa- 2di-7hepta- 3tri-8octa- 4tetra-9nona- 5penta-10deca-
Anyone want a cold glass of dihydrogen monoxide?
Examples Name the following CO CO 2 N 2 O Cl 2 O 8 Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Dinitrogen Monoxide Dichlorine Octoxide
Writing Formulas for Binary Molecular Compounds Use the prefixes in the name to tell you the subscript of each element in the formula. Then write the correct symbols for the two elements with the appropriate subscripts. The least electronegative element is written first Dinitrogen Tetroxide - N 2 O 4
Examples Write formulas for the following: Nitrogen Monoxide Carbon Tetrachloride Diphosphorous Pentoxide NO CCl 4 P2O5P2O5
Naming Acids An acid is a compound that contains one or more hydrogen atoms and produces hydrogen ions (H + ) when dissolved in water. All acids begin with hydrogen General Format: H n X “X” represents a monatomic or polyatomic anion. “n” represents the number of hydrogen ions
3 Rules for Naming Common Acids If the name of “X” ends in -ate: ____________-ic acid If the name of “X” ends in -ite: ____________-ous acid If the name of “X” ends in -ide: hydro-__________-ic acid
Name these acids H 2 SO 4 HCl H 2 S HNO 3 HClO 2 Sulfuric Acid Hydrochloric Acid Hydrosulfuric Acid Nitric Acid Chlorous Acid
Writing Formulas for Acids If the acid ends in –ic, then “X” ends in –ate If the acid ends in –ous, then “X” ends in – ite If the acid has hydro-______-ic, then “X” ends in –ide. The subscript on hydrogen is equal to the charge of “X”.
Write the Formula for the Following Acids Hydrobromic Acid Carbonic Acid Phosphoric Acid Sulfurous Acid HBr H 2 CO 3 H 3 PO 4 H 2 SO 3
Homework 7.1 pg 251 #14, 15(no g), 41