When the program is first started a wizard will start to setup your Lemming App. Enter your company name and owner in the fields designated “Company Name” and “Owner”
Click “To Do”
Select “Skills”
Since this is the first time your running the app, there are no positions. Change this by selecting “Add” The new skills window does not have the next button. Since this is not part of a wizard, anytime you want to add a skill, you will always see the window with out “Next”, “Back” or “Cancel”. You will only see “Done”
When “Add” is selected you can start typing in the field on the left. Once done hit enter on your keyboard When adding, a new window will pop up. You will no longer type in the field to the left Product feature 6
After every position you will initially need click on add again to enter more position
Once you entered the last position, click “Next” to set up employees When your done, select “Done”.
To enter an employee, begin by entering their details Before you can enter the details, click “Add’ Product feature 4
Enter their details(First and Last name and Phone #)
Click on the position they can work. In this example “Cashier”
Select the times there are available to work. When you select the hour they are able to work, the box will turn black Product feature 4
Click “Add” to store the employee Once done, click “Apply changes”
After adding an employee you can continue to the next one. In this example, Mary Beth, using the same procedures as the last one
Once you have added all the employees, click “Next” to set up needs When done, click “Done”
To specify your needs, begin by clicking the cell corresponding to the position and time, example: Baker at 6 AM on Thursday The skills will no longer be pre-selected. You can select the skills from a drop down menu
Once the cell is selected, enter the number of employees you need to work during that shift To set the start and end time, click and drag from the start to the end time. Enter digits for the number of workers needed is no longer supported Product feature 2
In this example we will assume you need 1 Baker at 6 AM
Continue to fill up the needs table as you see fit for this day
Once you are done with this day, select another day to fill its needs To select another day, click on the new day. In this case Monday
Once Monday is selected, fill in the needs for Monday.
Repeat this procedure for every day in the week
Once all necessary fields are filled click “Finish” When done, click “Done”
Once you are done setting up your skills, employees, and shifts, click generate and then select this week and click ok Product feature 1
Clicking “Generate” will generate a schedule for the week. By default, the program will show the schedule for Sunday
There are two ways to view day, week or month views. First one is using the main menu bar… To begin select the View menu on the main menu bar The “View” options are now located under “Schedule”. Follow the same procedures, but instead of selecting “View”, select “Schedule”
Select the Week option under the “View” menu to see the week view
Now the user can look at the schedule for the entire week
To view by day select “Day” in the “View” menu
Now the user can look at the schedule for the day
The user can also navigate faster by using the tabs… To begin click the “Week” tab for the week view
Now the user is looking at the schedule for the entire week
To go back to the day view, click on the “Day” tab
Now the user is looking at the schedule for the day
To change the day you are looking at, click on the new day you wish to view
You are now viewing the schedule for Tuesday, November 14. The schedule will reflect your needs based on the day. * It will be different if your needs change from day to day. * It will be the same if your needs do not change from day to day
Clicking on the Employee option under the Edit menu allows a user to add, delete, or modify an employee The “Edit” menu is now renamed as “Database”. Follow the same procedures, but select “Database” instead of “Edit” Product feature 5
A new window will appear after the Employee option is pressed. Information fields are blank to allow the user to create a new employee. To create a new employee begin typing in the personal information fields
When creating an employee first enter the new employee's personal information: his or hers First Name, Last Name, and Phone number Then select what positions the employee can work. Adding an employee now uses the same procedures as adding an employee during the “To Do” phase. Please follow the directions in slides 8-14 Product feature 4
Next the availability for the new employee will be set. To do so, click on a time slot. The time slot will turn black indicating that the employee can work during that time. Click the Add button to add the new employee Product feature 4
The new employee now appears in the employee list. To edit an employee that already exists double click on an employee from the list. In this case we will edit Bill Johnson.
To change Bill Johnson's information simply click, type, or select any of the options. For this example, we will change Bill's availability on Sunday so that he is available from 6 to 12 Product feature 5
Clicking the new availabilities changes the cell color to red indicating that the change is not saved. To Save the change press Apply or OK -OK will save and exit the window. -Apply will save without exiting the window to allow additional editing. -Cancel will exit without saving Press Apply. When done, click “Done”. There is no “Apply”, “Ok”, or “Cancel”
The changes made to Bill Johnson are now saved. To Delete an employee, double click on an employee. In this case Greg Stevenson
Greg Stevenson's Information will appear. Now press the Delete Button. Product feature 13
A warning window will appear. Pressing No will stop the deleting process. Pressing Yes will delete the employee. Deleting has a major impact on generated schedules. The user will have to regenerate current schedules to retain accuracy. Press Yes. The “Yes” and the “No” buttons have flipped positions.
Greg Stevenson no longer appears on the employee list Press OK to close the window and return to the main view screen.
The main screen is now displayed. To change a position’s need, press the Needs option under the Edit menu The “Edit” menu has been renamed “Database”.
The Needs window will appear. Each time slot on in the Needs table represents how many of that position are needed at that time. To add another Stocker to 8:00 on Thursday go to the cell that intersects 8:00 and Stocker and press it. Click and drag to set up shifts. DO NOT try and enter numbers as they will no longer work. Product feature 3
With cell now selected, typing 2 will increase the need for stockers at 8:00 to 2. Pressing OK or Apply makes saves the change. -OK saves and exits -Apply saves and allows the user to keep entering info -Cancel exits without saving Press Apply
The change to needs is now saved. To change what day you are looking at select one of the day buttons. Go to Sunday by pressing the Su button
The needs for Sunday are now in the viewing area. To leave the Needs window, press OK or cancel -OK will save any changes and exit -Cancel will exit without saving any changes made since the last save Press OK When done click “Done”. “Apply”, “Ok”, “Cancel” are no longer valid options
You can modify, add, and delete Positions.
First, open the Edit menu. The “Edit” menu has been renamed “Database”
Next, click Position.
The Position window will appear. Product feature 6
To add a Position, click Add.
A new line in the list of Positions will appear. Type in the name of your new Position. We will add a position called Programmer. A new window will pop up to add your skill instead of typing it in blue line.
Once you’ve typed the name, hit enter on your keyboard.
Your new Position has now been created. You may add Needs for it with the Needs window (see Needs section for details).
You may edit the names of your Positions. Changing a Position name keeps all the Needs and schedules it had before the name change; it simply changes the name everywhere it appears throughout the program. After editing the name of skill, the skill will hold its old name in already generated schedules. However in the newly generated schedules, the name change will occur
To change a Position name, first select the position you wish to change.
Next, click Edit.
You may now modify the Position name with your keyboard. We’ll change Programmer into Software Engineer. A new window will pop up with the name of the skill you wish to edit instead of doing it in the line to the left
Press the enter key on your keyboard to set this name. Select “Ok” and “Ok” in the warning box to change the name of the skill
The Position name is now changed throughout its appearances in the program.
You can delete Positions entirely as well. First select the Position you wish to delete. We’ve realized we run a sandwich shop and don’t really need any Software Engineers, so we’ll select that. Product feature 14
Now click Delete.
Select “Yes” to permanently delete “Software Engineer”
We have now deleted the Software Engineer Position.
At any time while changing the Positions, there are three ways to apply (or not apply) your changes. When done, click “Done”. The options of “Apply”, “Ok”, and “Cancel” no longer exist
Clicking Apply will save the changes you’ve made since the window opened, but the window will say open. We’ll click the window now.
The screen still looks the same, but the changes have been saved.
The OK button both saves the changes made and closes the window. We’ll push it now.
The window has closed and the changes have been saved.
Open up the Positions window again as before.
The Position window will appear again.
Clicking Cancel closes the window and does not save any changes you have made since you last clicked OK or Apply. This is useful if you have made a mistake in your editing and don’t want to actually use the changes you’ve made.
Click Cancel now.
Any changes we would have made since the last time we pushed Apply or OK would not have been saved to the system.
To view the different reports, begin by clicking “Report” in the tool bar
Mouse over “By” to display the various types of reports. The different reports are directly under the “Report” tab.
Click “Employees” to view a Report By Employee. “Employee” is renamed “Person” and there is a third option of “Day” that shows the schedules for a day
The report will show a report on the first person in the list by default. To view another employee's report click on their name. Click “Bill Johnson” The “Ok” button has been renamed “Close” and the “Print” and “Print All” have been moved to the left side Product feature 11
To print one employee's report all you have to do is select their name and then click “Print”. To print all of the employees' reports on separate pages click “Print All”. To close the report window click “OK”. Click “OK” Product feature 12
The application should still be open. Click “Report” in the tool bar to display.
Mouse over “By” to display the various types of reports.
Click “Staff” to view a Report By Staff.
To print a staff report all you have to do is click “Print”. To close the report window click “OK”. Click “OK”
To find help on aspects of the program, just click on help under the help menu.
This brings down the menu for getting either help about the program, or more information about the version and people who made the program possible. In this case, lets look at the help option.
This will include help for the project, including instructions for how the basic functionality will work and troubleshooting. This will bring up a separate window containing useful information on the program. The window will have functionality for moving between the topics provided. To close, click the 'X' To view help on the different parts of the program, follow the instructions that show up in the first window after you select help.
If we want to see information about the program itself, click on the About button.
And here we get a window giving a description of the program and the hard working programmers that made it possible! To close, click the 'X'