Unit 8: Personality Assessment Chat until class starts
Unit 8 Assignments Reading: Chapters of your textbook Seminar: The seminar will focus on personality assessment and sources of error. Discussion: You need to answer the discussion question in a response of at least 350 words or longer. Also, provide a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses per thread to other student posts that are at least 100 words. Unit 8 Project is due at the end of this unit
Personality Assessment Measurement and evaluation of psychological traits, states, values, interests, attitudes, worldview, acculturation, personal identity, sense of humor, cognitive and behavioral styles, and/or related individual characteristics Personality Traits Personality Types Personality States
Some Basic Questions about Personality Assessment Who is being assessed? Self or other person making assessment What is content of assessment Where does personality assessment take place? How are the personality tests structured and conducted? Procedure Scoring and Interpretation
Personality Instruments Big Five (NEO PI-R) Measures five personality traits (introversion/extroversion, anxiety level, tough- mindedness & receptivity, independence & accommodation, self-control) Test used with individuals over 17 years of age Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Original MMPI contained over 556 T-F statements to aid in psychiatric diagnosis Test used for adolescents & adults over 14 yrs. Of age 10 Scales of MMPI
MMPI Revisions MMPI 2: More representative standardization sample Added items to address drug abuse, suicide potential, marital adjustment, Type A, and attitudes toward work Eliminated objectionable questions Better sample data Other Revisions MMPI-2-RF MMPI-A
Projective Tests Assess personality by looking at performance on a task and completion of incomplete stimuli Rorschach Inkblot Test – Instructions, Administration, and Scoring – Inter-rater reliability – Issues regarding use of Rorschach Inkblot Test Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) – Describe what individuals in picture are thinking & feeling – Conflicting validity information – Differences between Scholars and Therapists
Other Types of Projective Assessment Word Association Sentence completion Figure drawing Sounds as projective methods Behavioral Assessment Rating Scales Situational Performance Measures Role Play Psychophysiological methods (e.g., biofeedback)