Aim: How do Walter Mitty and his day dreams represent the Everyman? Do Now: When do you find yourself daydreaming? What are your daydreams usually about? Do you think daydreaming is healthy or an immature, waste of time?
Everyman An ordinary individual with whom the audience or reader is supposed to be able to identify easily, and who is often placed in extraordinary circumstances
Walter’s Day Dreams Navy Hydroplane World Famous Surgeon Courtroom Scene British PilotFiring Squad What events in Walter’s life incite the following daydreams?
What is this story about? - Interpretations A hapless marriage? Is Walter trying to escape from an unhappy home life? Has his wife emasculated him? Walter is a man with untapped potential. He is an everyman who should be a hero. Walter Mitty never grew up. This is why Walter only dreams of being a man. Are there more interpretations? Can all the interpretations be true?