Back to Basics January 6, 2013 Ball placement.
There is an advantage gained when ball is not placed in the correct out of bounds spot.
TABLE Need not to rush when placing ball back in play. Need to know the correct spot to resume play.
Self Evaluation Handout Lets take a look at ways to break down film to give yourself a better understanding as to how to improve.
Jim Lead Mike Trail Reporting Area TABLE Was Mike in good position? Did he allow the entire play to develop? Good strong whistle? Closed fist high in the air? Preliminary signal? Come to a complete stop? Make eye contact with official score keeper? Give color, number, signal, and number of foul shots ?
TABLE Reporting Area Keith Lead Was Keith in good position? Did he allow the entire play to develop? Good strong whistle? Closed fist high in the air? Preliminary signal? Number of foul shots to be awarded? Did he run through players to the reporting area? Come to a complete stop? Make eye contact with official score keeper? Give color, number, signal, and number of foul shots ? Scott Trail Reporting Area What was the difference between the two scenarios?
Tim Center TABLE Was the violation in Tim’s PCA? Good strong whistle with open hand? Did Tim give proper mechanic? Did he point to the proper spot out of bounds?
Jim Lead Mike Trail Jim’s Primary Coverage Area Ball watching from Lead. Is Jim watching the ball when outside his PCA? Jim Trail Mike Lead Mike’s Primary Coverage Area At trail, you must have off ball coverage!
TABLE Denny Trail Who signaled the timeout? Was there player control when timeout was granted? What type of timeout was granted? Did Denny communicate to partner the spot of the ball and color? Did Denny give proper timeout signal with table? Did Denny wait until all players were at respected benches before starting the clock? Finally, did Denny go to the correct location on floor for the timeout granted? Coach Excellent recognition. Denny