Cattle is another word for cows Cattle typically are associated with having horns and hoofs
They provided food!
Texas Think: Texas Longhorns
In Texas there were five million head of cattle, but beef was scarce in the Northern and Eastern states
A cattle drive is the process of moving a herd of cattle from one place to another Usually moved and herded by cowhands (cowboys) on horses U&feature=related
Very hard! There were about 3,000 cattle per drive At least 10 cowhands were needed, and each cowhand had three horses Cowhands had to work shifts of 24 hours a day- herding the cows in the right direction during the day and watching them at night
The Great Western Trail Started in Bandera, TX Ended in Dodge City, KS The Chisholm Trail Started in Rio Grande, TX Ended in Abilene, KS /watch?v=06P- ERCA17M&feature=relat ed
More railroads were being built, so it was easier to ship cattle by train than by cattle drives