Easter The little spotted hen laied white eggs. I ´ll colour them, decorate them and give them to the boys. I´ll cut ribbons for wooden sticks.
„Hody, hody do provody“ give us a coloured egg, when not a coloured one, give us a white egg at least, the hen will lay you another one.
May Day
Lovers in denims They used to date together for great love and they were seventeen. The whole wild world could fit into their love. In the world´s opinion they were dandys indeed. They were enthuse about denims and they were only seventeen.
Under our little window There are two roses growing under our little window. There is an apple tree growing under our little window. Anny is plucking apples as sweet as honey.
God give happiness God give happiness to this house we are singing to the little baby Jesus Christ who was born in Betlehem today. He´s giving away sweet bread apples, pears and money for carol-singing God bless us.