시스템별 스펙정리
IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11n
IEEE 802.11a (1) Rate-dependent parameters Table 1 Modulation-dependent normalization factor KMOD
IEEE 802.11a (2) Rate-dependent parameters (Cont’) Fig. 1 BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM constellation bit encoding Table 2 BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM encoding table
IEEE 802.11a (3) Fig. 2 64QAM constellation bit encoding
IEEE 802.11a (4) Convoultional encoder Rate R=1/2 code with generator polynomials g0=1338 and g1=1718 Higher rates are derived from it by employing “puncturing” R=2/3 or 3/4 Decoding by Viterbi algorithm is recommended
IEEE 802.11a (5) Convoultional encoder (Cont’)
IEEE 802.11n (1) Rate dependent parameters for high throughput modulation and coding schemes Table 1 Symbols used in rate dependent parameters tables Table 2 Rate dependent parameters for mandatory 20MHz
IEEE 802.11n (2) Convoultional encoder A single FEC encoder is used when the PHY rate is less than or equal 300Mbps or when LDPCC ECC is used. Rate = ½ code Higher rates are derived from it by employing “puncturing” R=2/3, 3/4 or 5/6
MB-OFDM UWB (1) Data rate-dependent modulation parameter Data Rate (Mb/s) Modulation Coding rate (R) Conjugate Symmetric Input to IFFT Time Spreading Factor (TSF) Overall Spreading Gain Coded bits per OFDM symbol (NCBPS) 53.3 QPSK 1/3 Yes 4 100 80 1/2 106.7 11/32 No 2 200 160 5/8 320 DCM 1 400 480 3/4 Table 1 Modulation-dependent normalization factor KMOD Modulation KMOD QPSK 1/2 Table 2 QPSK encoding table Input bit (b0 b1) I-out Q-out 00 -1 01 1 10 11 Fig. 1 QPSK constellation bit encoding
MB-OFDM UWB (2) Data rate-dependent modulation parameter (Cont’) Interleaver 1 st 16 - point Mapper S / P : 2 IFFT 100 bits nd 50 tone separation Fig. 2 Block diagram of DCM Fig. 3 16 point constellations
MB-OFDM UWB (3) Convolutional encoder Rate R=1/3 code with generator polynomials g0=1338, g1=1658, and g2=1718 Additional coding rates are derived from the rate R = 1/3 convolutional code by employing “puncturing” R=1/3, 11/32, ½, 5/8, or 3/4 Decoding by Viterbi algorithm is recommended D Output Data A Output Data B Output Data C Fig. 4 Convolutional encoder: rate R=1/3, constraint length K=7
MB-OFDM UWB (4) Convolutional encoder (Cont’) Fig. 5 An example of the bit-stealing and bit-insertion procedure (R=11/32)
T-DMB (1) 지상파 DMB 개념도 DAB (Eureka-147) PAD NPAD FIC MSC Audio Service MPEG4 LIVE TV Block Code DAB (Eureka-147) FIC MSC Service Data Service K-DMB Service FIDC 2 Ch Multi Ch. D L S MOT IP Tunneling TDC MPEG4 A/V Data MCI & SI T C EWS Broadcasting Web Site Interactive Service JPEG Slide Show TPEG, DGPS etc
T-DMB (2) DAB (Eureka-147) 구조도
T-DMB (3) Convolutional Coding (Mother Code) P/S Constraint: 7 Memory: 6 Code rate: ¼ Generating polynomial: (133, 171, 145, 133)o all-zero initial state of the shift register Output codeword P/S To puncturing procedure
T-DMB (4) Puncturing Block Mother code의 일부 bit가 결정된 순서에 따라 전송되지 않음
T-DMB (5) Puncturing Block (cont’d) vPI,i = 0 : the corresponding bit shall not be transmitted vPI,i = 1 : the corresponding bit shall be transmitted
T-DMB (6) Phase Reference Symbol Reference for the differential modulation for the next OFDM symbol Mode II
T-DMB (7) QPSK Symbol Mapper
T-DMB (8) Differential Modulation Applied to the QPSK symbols on the same carriers between two consecutive OFDM symbols 8 possible phase states
WiBro IEEE 802.16 + Wibro (1) 2.3GHz 휴대인터넷 국내 기술 기준 60km/h로 이동시, 셀 경계에서 최소 하향 512kbps, 상향 128kbps 보장 채널대역폭 ≥ 9 MHz 사업자 장비간 로밍 가능 주파수 재사용계수 = 1 이중화 방식 = TDD (송수신 time slot간 동기 일치) IEEE 802.16 + WiBro 주요 파라미터 사용 대역 2.3 GHz 채널 대역폭 8.75 MHz 프레임 길이 5ms 다중접속방식 OFDMA 이중화 방식 TDD FFT 크기 1024 변조 방식 QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM 채널 부호화 Convolutional Turbo Code ARQ Hybrid ARQ
Wibro (2) Wibro 송수신 블록도
Wibro (3) Convolution Turbo Code (CTC) Dual binary circular recursive systematic convolutional (CRSC)
Wibro (4) CTC interleaver First permutation Second permutation
Wibro (5) Mapping QPSK 16QAM 64QAM
CDMA (1) System parameter Duplex mode : FDD and TDD Ddata modulation : QPSK(downlink) BPSK(uplink) Channel coding : convoultional and turbo codes Convolutional coding rate = 1/3 or ½ with constraints length 9 Turbo coding rate = 1/3 Turbo coding scheme is a parallel concatenated convoultional code (PCCC) with 8 state constituent encoders Fig. 1 Overall eight-state PCCC turbo coding
CDMA (2) Convolutional Encoder Forward Link & Rate set 2 Reverse Link ; R = 1/2, K = 9, g0 = 753(8)=111101011(2) g1 = 561(8)=101110001(2) ‘1’ : Connection ‘0’ : Disconnection ex) Forward link g0 c0 Data bits input Code Symbols Output g1 c1
CDMA (2) CMDA 순방향채널의 I, Q 데이터와 위상 1 I Q 위상 /4 3/4 -3/4 -/4
WCDMA (1) System parameter Duplex mode : FDD and TDD Ddata modulation : QPSK(downlink) BPSK(uplink) Channel coding : convoultional and turbo codes Convolutional coding rate = 1/3 or ½ with constraints length 9 Turbo coding rate = 1/3 Turbo coding scheme is a parallel concatenated convoultional code (PCCC) with 8 state constituent encoders Fig. 1 Overall eight-state PCCC turbo coding
WCDMA (2) Modulation The complex-valued chip sequence generated by the spreading process is QPSK modulated The pulse shaping is root-raised cosine with roll-off factor 0.22 and is the same for the mobile and base stations Fig. 2 Modulation principle