Transient multiphase flow modelling On the problem Multiphase flow regimes Transients in oil-gas pipelines On types of models Multi fluid models Mixed models Simplified slug flow models Example Terrain slugging simulation Prost meeting 4 May 2000, Ole Jørgen Nydal
Multiphase flow regimes Separated gas-liquid flows: Annular, stratified Mixed gas-liquid flows: Slug, bubble Oil-water regimes: Continuous change from separated to mixed Complex flows! Stratified Bubble Slug Annular
Transients in oil-gas pipelines Operator induced Shut-in, Start-up, change in production Pigging Unstable flow Liquid slugging Liquid fraction Time Terrain slugging, severe slugging Hydrodynamic slugging
Model needs and requirements Application Design: capacity, stability Operational support: forecasting, control, supervision Computation of phase fractions, pressure and temperature along pipeline and in time Holdup H: H(x,t) Pressure P: P(x,t) Temperature T: T(x,t) 1 D models 1D balance equations Simplifications require empirical closure laws Phase distribution Friction laws Heat transfer
Methodology General purpose models Specialized slug flow model Formulate general balance equations Establish closure relations for each regime Apply suitable numerical method Discretize each case sufficiently small to resolve transients Improvements with front tracking techniques Specialized slug flow model Data structure: slugs and bubbles Formulate balance equations for slugs and for bubbles Slugs: liquid flow Bubbles: separated flow Closure: bubble propagation characteristics Apply slug initiation models and let them go...
General purpose models Mass equations for each field Continuous phases Dispersed phases 2 fluid models Momentum equation for each field Drag relations Drift flux models Momentum equation for mixture Relation for relative velocity
General purpose models: Status OLGA2000 World wide industry standard IFE+SINTEF Scandpower Features: 3 phase, network, process & control, front tracking Equations 5 mass equations (continuous phases + droplets) 2 momentum equations: Gas+droplets, oil+water 1 energy equation Subgrid front tracking Petra Modern OLGA, in progress Statoil (+IFE) 3 momentum equations: Gas+droplets, oil, water Grid moving with fronts
Simplified slug tracking model Bubbles and slugs as computational objects P in bubble from compressibility Uls from dynamic force balance Bubbles and slugs are open control volumes Bubble propagation velocity imposed: Ub = Ub(Uls) Bubbles covering bends are split into sections H, Ulb computed in each section Slugs are initiated after liquid accumulation in bend
Simplified slug tracking model Outlet pressure BUBBLE SLUG New inlet slug Inlet mass flows New terrain slug after accumulation in bend
Example: terrain slugging Outlet pressure 3m Inlet mass flows 20m Laboratory set-up (Tulsa) I.D. 2.5cm, air-water Modifications Small tube connecting inlet and outlet PI controller on inlet pressure
Gas tube I.D. 0.25cm Position of slug tail (m) Length of slug (m) Holdup in riser Inlet pressure (Pa)
Gas tube I.D. 0.3cm Position of slug tail (m) Length of slug (m) Holdup in riser Inlet pressure (Pa)
Gas tube I.D. 0.4cm Position of slug tail (m) Length of slug (m) Holdup in riser Inlet pressure (Pa)
Control Holdup in riser Inlet pressure (Pa)