Webinar: FMLM GP Champions Network Dr Jane Povey, Deputy Medical Director, FMLM Wednesday 25 November 2015
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Dr Jane Povey Deputy Medical Director for Primary Care # GPleaders
Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management Vision: To inspire and promote excellence in medical leadership to drive continuous improvement in health and healthcare in the UK.
Background history Interest in development of medical leadership and involvement of doctors in management grown since NHS reforms Growing evidence base for the link between leadership and quality and safety for patients Academy of Medical Royal Colleges endorsed set up of FMLM in 2011 All UK Medical Royal Colleges represented on FMLM Founding Council
Membership snapshot
Leadership as an enabler for GPs Challenges: Increasing clinical Workload Training and succession planning..and system leadership eg commissioning/planning/new models of care Negative perceptions of Leadership Engagement and motivation hampered BUT Opportunities to influence systems we operate in: Primary Care Commissioning/Planning New models of care Education /Training Research Academia Professional bodies
FMLM Survey 2013: Themes Abundant drive and enthusiasm amongst GP leaders Many feel under-supported, under- equipped, under-valued No map for career-planning for GPs Lack of equitable voice
FMLM GP Strategy “ Inspiring, equipping and supporting GPs in the leadership aspects of their professional lives “ Leadership as an enabler to realising opportunities and tackling challenges Resilient, flourishing workforce Driving quality of care and patient experience
Current FMLM Leadership Development Offers Online GP leadership group A growing collection of online resources (articles, webinars, Twitter chats, blogs, newsletters) Regional and national events – including educational sessions, interactive workshops, presentations and networking opportunities FMLM mentoring and coaching networks Opportunities to shadow medical leaders Headhunting service Assessment and development centres Appraisal guidance for medical leaders and managers
…and coming soon: A multiple level 360 feedback tool to assess your leadership skills Action learning sets and personalised, modular leadership development programmes for individuals and organisations ‘Stepping up to board level roles’ – a one-day event tailored for GPs, 27 January 2016, in London
FMLM GP Membership: towards vibrant peer support network and strong primary care leadership voice March of 1791 FMLM members 5% October of 2190 FMLM members 150% increase 10% 200% increase
Growing a network of FMLM GP champions Promoting positive role models of GPs as leaders Advocating the benefits available to GPs through FMLM membership Helping to grow the FMLM network of mentors Supporting FMLM GP events and encouraging local networking Providing a channel of communication between GP colleagues and FMLM
Inspiring, equipping and supporting GPs in leadership FMLM GP Champions Network Tools Values
FMLM GP Leadership Values Distributed Inclusive Diverse Credible Population focus Respectful All career stages Innovative Collaborative Follower-ship Supporter-ship Enabling Patient Centred Influential Informal & Formal Flexible Capable Credible Competent Compassionate Resilient Equitable Responsive Inspiring Purposeful
Champions in action – initial ideas Join online GP group – add resources, discussion posts, blogs etc Shape & promote webinar series & twitter chats Grow FMLM mentoring network Establish local networking events Your thoughts, ideas & suggestions......
Good leaders create followers Great leaders create leaders.
Dates for your diary… Stepping up to board level roles for GPs Wednesday 27 January 2016 For GPs aspiring to board level roles Event registration open now via the FMLM events page Inspirational seminar Tuesday 23 February 2016, 6-8pm Dr Gill MacLeod, CEO Roodlane Medical Ltd London Bridge Hospital
Champions in action – initial ideas Join online GP group – add resources, discussion posts, blogs etc Shape & promote webinar series & twitter chats Grow FMLM mentoring network Establish local networking events Your thoughts, ideas & suggestions......