Lesley Small, Brian Dimsdale, Mary McCloud & John Melcher
Garmin 1200 E. 151st Street Olathe, KS United States TomTom Oosterdoksstraat DK Amsterdam The Netherlands
GARMIN Founded in 1989 Incorporated in Switzerland Global Positioning System Products Automotive products Marine units Aviation technology Fitness devices Outdoor recreation Wireless applications bring the power of GPS to your smart phone TOMTOM Founded in 1991 Dutch manufacturer Amsterdam Stock Exchange Four customer facing business units Consumer Automotive Business Solutions Licensing
navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing segment of the computer and electronic product manufacturing industry
The computer and electronic product manufacturing industry employed 1.2 million wage and salary workers in 2008 The navigational, measuring, electomedical, and control instruments manufacturing segment employed about 441,600 wage and salary workers 35.4% of the industry largest percentage of workers and employees of the computer and electronic product manufacturing industry
Employment in this industry is expected to decline over the next decade. project 11% increase in all industries for wage and salary employment the computer and electronic product manufacturing industry employment is expected to decline 19% between 2008 and Much of the manufacturing process has been relocated overseas
Many employment opportunities will continue to rise, even though there is a projected decrease in employment technological advancements and revolutions that are taking place in computers, semiconductors, and telecommunications, and the need to replace those workers who are retiring from the industry opportunities in research and development “Computer software engineers are also in high demand in this industry because many complicated hardware products require software.” (ibisworld)
Return on Equity 2006: 37.9% 2007: 43.8% 2008: 32.0% 2009: 27.8% 2010: 19.9% Stock Price 2006: : : : : 2.97 Total Assets 2006: 1,897, : 3,291, : 2,924, : 2,393, : 3,988,688 Operational Efficiency 2006: : : : : 7.7 Share of Industry Value 2007: 28%, 2008: 34%, 2009: 36%
Return on Equity 2006: 51.8% 2007: 33.3% 2008: -93.5% 2009: 11.3% 2010: 10.0% Stock Price (based on closing price of Dec 31) 2006: : : : : 7.89 Total Assets 2006: 902, : 1,969, : 2,766, : 2,685, : 2,622,758 Operational Efficiency 2006: : : : : 18.9 Share of Industry Value 2007: 27%, 2008: 29%, 2009: 30%