Poor don’t have the money or access to services that detect disease early Have to make choices on where to spend money. If their kids need something they will give up their own needs. The cost of healthcare and doctor visits Usually the job of taking care of someone that is sick falls on the woman in the house and they have to give up jobs or education Overcrowded and poor living conditions. This leads to spread of sickness and disease Lack of good food and water LINKS BETWEEN POVERTY AND HEALTH
More likely to smoke: smokers tend to be lower-income Americans Poor live in areas with worse air quality: industrial plants near low income living link to air pollution. This causes low birth rates, kidney problems and high infant mortality Economic Insecurity: This causes mental health issues and high blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity/diabetes. Thingprogress.ort MORE LINKS
HIV Diarrhea Tuberculosis Malaria Pneumonia Respiratory diseases MAIN KILLERS
Many organizations are starting at the source and making sure people have clean water and healthy food. Communities having food banks WHAT CAN BE DONE
Poverty directly leads to poor health Bad living situations including overcrowding and dirty conditions Part time work = no company health care provided No money to get health care on your own Impoverished areas not close to hospitals or doctors OVERVIEW
Four Ways That Poverty Hurts Americans’ Long-Term Health. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2014, from ways-poverty-impacts-americans-health/ Key Facts: Poverty and Poor Health - Health Poverty Action. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2014, from cycle-of-poverty-and-poor-health/the-cycle-of-poverty-and- poor-health1/ RESOURCES