1 OCHART Next Steps January 13, 2009 Joanne Lush – Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, The AIDS Bureau Anita Fervaha – Public Health Agency of Canada – Ontario Region
2 OCHART Results OCHART has helped identify shifts in client needs & service mix, as well as issues for health services research & advocacy purposes. Agencies are more engaged in understanding & using their data. Providing opportunities for agencies to come together to discuss the data provides a better understanding of emerging issues & trends; helps networking & supports program development. Has allowed for one common reporting tool across two levels of government
3 Next Steps Continue to work on increasing understanding of CBOs on data collection & analysis Continue web based capacity building sessions Annual KTE event Revisions to the OCHART –Revision of definitions throughout OCHART –Revision on ethnicity question (6.4) –Revision of IDU Outreach section –Ongoing refining of questions for clarity Modifying the layout and content of the ochart.ca website Translation of the OCHART database into French
4 Next Steps Development of client level database for ASOs & future connection with OCHART – will increase ability to assess impact of services & assist agencies with work/reporting. (OCASE) OCHART data are now being used to inform the province’s new strategic plan.
5 Building the Foundation – OCASE Overview In 2007, contracted Ontario HIV Treatment Network to research and develop a database to assist CBOs with the collection and management of agency data. Implementation being phased in from April This includes customization of program for each agency, transfer of agency information and training. Focus group assists with the development and focus of OCASE. OCASE will interact with OCHART – at least producing relevant reports to assist with accountability requirement.
6 Get More Info To view the report in full:
7 Evaluation Please complete the evaluation forms
8 J oanne Lush, Senior Program Consultant AIDS Bureau, Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care or Anita Fervaha, Program Consultant HIV/AIDS Public Health Agency of Canada Sarah Rubenstein, OCHART Project Manager Ontario HIV Treatment Network Contact Information