Dr.Mohamed Zaky Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences Cairo University
X I (Public+Private) C (Net Exports)
Budgeting Public Expenditure Public Revenue Public debt
Coordination between fiscal and monetary policies Inflation target and of fiscal policy Independence of central bank Contractionary and expansionary fiscal policy
Description Revenues Chapter one:Taxes Chapter two:Grants Chapter three:Other revenues Expenditures Chapter one:Wages and Compensation of employees Chapter two:Purchases of Goods And Services Chapter three:Interests Chapter four:Subsidies, Grants, and Social Benefits Chapter five:Other Expenditures Chapter six:Purchase of Non Financial Assets ( Investments) Cash Deficit / (Surplus) Acquisition of Financial Assets Chapter seven:Acquisition of Domestic and Foreign Financial Assets Lending proceeds and Sales of Financial Assets and other financial assets Chapter four:Lending proceeds and Sales of Financial Assets and other financial assets Net acquisition of Financial Assets Overall fiscal Deficit / Surplus Financing Sources Chapter five:Domestic borrowing & issuance of securities other than shares Loans repayment Chapter eight:Domestic and foreign loans repayment Net Borrowing Issuance of securities other shares Net Borrowing & issuance of securities other shares Plus Net Privatization Proceeds
Uses (Billion EGY. LE) Budget 2011/2012 % Budget 2010/2011 Resources(Billion EGY. LE) Budget 2011/2012 % Budget 2010/2011 Wages and Compensation of employees Taxes and Duties Purchase of Goods and Services Grants Interest Other Revenues Subsidies, Grants and Social Benefits Other Expenditures Purchase of non-financial assets (investments) Tot. Expenses Tot. Revenues Cash deficit(141.0)(113.8) Acquisition of domestic and foreign financial assets 4.01 Receipts of lending and sales of financial assets Net Acquisition of financial assets Overall Deficit(134.3)(105.6) Domestic and Foreign Loans Repayment Tot. Borrowing Net borrowing Treasury contribution in the fund of restructuring finance 0.30 Privatization Proceeds 0.50 Net Privatization Proceeds 0.2 Tot. Uses Tot. Resources
Item Revised Budget General Public Services Sector Public Order and Safety Sector Economic Affairs Sector Environmental Protection Sector 1209 Housing and Community Amenities Sector 7846 Health Sector Recreation, Culture and Religion Sector Education Sector Social Protection Sector Other functional sectors Gross Total
Total Expenditure Interest payments Total Expenses Total Expenses without Investment.