NCMP Collecting…Validating… Sharing Robert Dobson & Peter Knighton
HSCIC role in the NCMP… Providing Parental Feedback and Upload tools, guidance and a bespoke website just for NCMP Contact centre and Lifestyles team support Online data checking Validation, analysis, publication and data sharing
Recognition of the NCMP Data Over a million records received yearly Over 90% participation Record level data placed on UK data archive for all to view Data used for decision making, policy and of course parents and families
Data Quality Automated validation within the tools Please ensure accurate dates of birth and dates of measurement – essential for an accurate BMI classification! Heights / weights need to be presented to one decimal place Please provide child postcodes and ethnicity codes
Data Quality (cont.) Online feedback report following your upload displays results for your organisation Your opportunity to correct / amend your submission The earlier you submit, the greater the level of assistance will be available to you Deadline for submission: Friday 16 August 2013 Manual Validation carried out at the HSCIC once all organisations submitted (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)