WLMS Dress Code – Effective Aug. 17, 2010
Shirts Shirts must have collars and sleeves and must be buttoned, however there are no restrictions regarding shirt color or pattern (i.e. stripes or plaid), nor store logo (i.e. Abercrombie, etc.). Only top button may remain unbuttoned, undershirts should not be visible.
No T-shirts are allowed except “school sponsored” t-shirts which are either sold in our school store or those affiliated with a WLMS sport/activity that have been approved by administration.
All shirts must fit properly. Cannot be too short/tight – must not reveal skin at waistline/midriff even with arms extended above head. Cannot be too long – “over-sized”, extra long shirts are not allowed; shirt should not hang lower than the wrist area when arms are extended at your side.
Shirts cannot be “tied up” in a knot or with a rubber band.
Pants / Shorts Sweatpants, warm up suits, athletic shorts, leggings (unless opaque and worn under a “dress-code appropriate” skirt/skort) or similar type material are NOT allowed, however there are no restrictions regarding shorts/pants color or pattern (i.e. stripes or plaid). All pants/shorts must have pockets and zippers.
Jeans/pants must fit properly at the waist and not drag on the ground.
Shorts and skirts may be no shorter than fingertip length, even if worn over tights/leggings.
Shorts and pants must be secured at the student’s waist and may not sag or reveal undergarments.
Ripped, frayed, torn clothing, cut-off jeans/shorts are not permitted.
Shoes Athletic style shoes are preferred, however sandals with a back strap are allowed. No flip-flops, house slippers, high heels or platform shoes allowed.
General NO exposed undergarments, sports jerseys, sleepwear or camouflage clothing allowed.
NO caps, hats, bandannas or sunglasses allowed.
Sweaters, sweatshirts, or jackets may be worn as needed in cooler weather; however clothing worn under the outerwear must still meet dress code.
Any attire, jewelry, or ornamentation deemed provocative, unsafe, inappropriate or disruptive by the administration is not allowed.
Hair color or hairstyles which may cause a disruption to the learning environment are not allowed. Hair can only be “naturally occurring” colors.
Handwriting or drawing on bodies or clothing is not permitted.