Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions 1. Select and unpack the ELA standard: Grade: 1 Standard: RC 2.2 List Pre-Requisite Skills Pre-Requisites.


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Presentation transcript:

Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions 1. Select and unpack the ELA standard: Grade: 1 Standard: RC 2.2 List Pre-Requisite Skills Pre-Requisites Understanding the meaning of: -question words -story vocabulary -High Frequency words specific to the supporting sentence frames (is, are, did, does, do) -understanding of story structure and story elements

Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions 2. Determine the cognitive objectives Grade: 1 Standard: RC 2.2 Cognitive Objective Students will be able to recognize and understand key questions and respond to answer comprehension questions. (in the context of a narrative/story structure) This is the part of the standard that indicates what students will know as a result of instruction. In a SbS lesson, the cognitive objective of a lesson remains the same for all students. Cognitive objectives are related to thinking functions. Thinking functions are verbs that define the action of the learner.

Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions Grade: 1 Standard: RC 2.2 Cognitive Objective Students will be able to recognize and understand key questions and respond to answer comprehension questions. (in the context of a narrative/story structure) 3. Determine Language Objectives and Student Friendly Objective. Students will show they can respond orally to who, what, where, when, and how questions. Student friendly: I can answer questions about a story. Language Objective

4. Determine differentiated language objectives and tasks.

4c. Determine Key Performance Indicators. Grade: 1 Standard: RC 2.2 Cognitive Objective Students will be able to recognize and understand key questions and respond to answer comprehension questions. (in the context of a narrative/story structure) Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions. Language Objective Students will show they can respond orally to who, what, where, when, and how questions. Student friendly: I can answer questions about a story. Language Levels BeginningEarly IntermediateIntermediateAdvanced Early Advanced Key Performance Indicator Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by matching object, pointing to an answer, drawing pictures. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by responding with a few words, short phrases and sentence frames. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by responding with simple sentences. 2.2 Respond to who, what, where, when, and how questions.

5. Plan the systematic, sequential and differentiated language tasks. Language LevelsBeginningEarly IntermediateIntermediate Early Advanced Key Performance Indicator Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by matching object, pointing to an answer, drawing pictures. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by responding with a few words, short phrases and sentence frames. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by responding with simple sentences. 2.2 Respond to who, what, where, when, and how questions. Advanced Differentiated Language Tasks Students echo/repeat answer when illustration depicting story vocabulary or question word is shown. Students draw and label pictures using graphic organizer, pictorial charts, story maps. Using key questions, supported with pictures, student responds to questions by pointing matching, or one word answer. Students respond to questions with one word answers or short phrases using questions/sentence frames. -using pocket chart Word cards and illustration -using categorized word banks and close sentence frames. - responding orally supported by visuals and sentence frames. Students respond to questions using simple sentences. -using question frames and sentence frames -referencing illustrated and word banks -referencing answer options -referencing optional prepositional phrases Students answer questions in detailed sentences. -restating facts -referencing the text -using prior knowledge, inferences or imagination. - discerning correct from incorrect answers/choices Students will answer questions in detailed sentences and be encouraged to elaborate. Read a short selection and choose correct answer. Pre-Requisites Understanding the meaning of: - question words. - story vocabulary - High Frequency words specific to the supporting sentence frames. (is, are, did, does, do) Understanding of story structure and story elements.

6. Plan word banks, language structures, leveled sentence frames, leveled questions and prompts to support cognitive and language tasks.

7. Create develop manipulatives, instructional charts, sentences frames, and illustrations to support cognitive and language tasks. Language LevelsBeginningEarly IntermediateIntermediate Early Advanced Key Performance Indicator Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by matching object, pointing to an answer, drawing pictures. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by responding with a few words, short phrases and sentence frames. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions by responding with simple sentences. 2.2 Respond to who, what, where, when, and how questions. Advanced Leveled Questioning All students need to have access to responding all these questions. Responses to where/when and how contain adverbial prepositional phrases because they relate to the verb. (action). Evaluation Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect What happened? Why? Action/Action Focus on Who/What Show me Who is Charles? He is a/the Tiger. What is his name? Charles Tiger. Who is he? (pronoun) What did he do? He ________. Who did he find in the? He found (character) Focus on What/Where TPR What is _____ doing? _____ is _____-ing. What happened first/ next/then/last? (Numeration/Transition words) Where did Tiger find (characters)? Focus on What/When When did Tiger find out he had lost his roar? The (character) (past tense action) BeginningMiddleEnd woke-uplookeddecided was upsetfoundscared set off did not find his roar found his roar When did the story take place? The story takes place _______________. BeforeDuringAfter He had a roar He did not have a roar He had a roar Was sad Was worried Was happy Describe actions Who /did what /how He decided Describe feelings How did the ___ feel? The ____ felt ______. How did he find his roar? What caused Charles to find his roar? WhatWhy Tiger found his roar Spider surprised him How did the story end? The story when_______. How is the story illustrated? Focus on Who/What/ When/Where/How/W hy Can you tell me more about… Who…. What the …. When the …. How the … Why the …. What else do you think? When do you think… How do you think… Why do you think… What would have happened if… CharacterAction Wake Up Walked Looked Match: Who was in the ____? _______ was in the ____/ Who is/are the characters? The character (s) is/are ________. AnimalPlace ( words/prepositional phrases.) Frames HFW: Where is ____? I see ___. I see ____ and here is __. There is ___ and here is ___. I see ___ + prep phrase. Here + prep phrase is ____ and there + prep phrase is ______. What happened first/ next/then/last? Where did the story take place? The story takes place ______. CharacterPlace BeginningMiddleEnd Focus on What/How Focus on What/Why How did the Charles Tiger feel?

7. Analyze core/content text and resource materials.