English 3 October, 2014 I can edit sentences for mistakes in mechanics and usage. I can relate a work of literature to the important ideas of its setting. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly difficult texts. I can analyze multiple interpretations of a drama, evaluating how the film version interprets the source text. I can distinguish between phrases and clauses.
Edit the following for mistakes in semicolons, commas, hyphens, and usage For Ramón oil painting is a difficult medium to master, when he was younger he had quite enjoyed taking photographs. I wanted to register for biology volleyball and conversational spanish but only calculus golf and intermediate german were available. The club’s president has appointed the following people to chair the standing committees: Richard Stokes planning, Rebecca Hartley membership Salvador Berrios financial and Ann Jeng legal. Underline the phrases one time. Squiggle under the dependent clauses.
Homework Work on the Socratic Questions for The Scarlet Letter Finish reading The Scarlet Letter
Clauses What distinguishes a clause from a phrase? A clause has a subject and a verb. A phrase is missing one of those, or both Sort the envelope into phrases and clauses Sort the clauses into dependent and independent clauses. How did you decide what is dependent and what is independent? What words can we say are “key words” for creating dependent clauses?
The Crucible View Act 1 in the movie – How are the film version and original version the same?/different? – Are the changes better for the meaning? – Why might the director have made the changes? Begin Act 2