Mariah R. Smith ADN, RN Health Promotion Project: Step #6
Abstract This project developed in a health promotion course is being used in the BSN Completion project to support the following learning outcome: Synthesizes knowledge from the arts and sciences and from nursing theory, practice, and evidence-based research to provide and to manage the health care needs of diverse community populations, patients, and families across the continuum of health care. With this project, I chose to work with my father. We were instructed to provide a thorough health assessment on this patient and determine their individual health care needs based off of current and past medical history, finances, current social situation, etc. I used specific knowledge to develop this powerpoint that would be directed at my father as a patient. This project followed the nursing process and supported the learning outcome by focusing on knowledge and science, and also evidence based practice. This powerpoint explains this.
Patient: Jon Smith (my father) 49 year old Caucasian/Native American male Health Promotion Themes: improve cardiovascular health and better diabetic and stress management
Assessment Recovering drug and alcohol addict Survivor of a sudden heart attack with open heart surgery on three vessels and of acute respiratory distress syndrome following surgery Former smoker Old diabetes diagnosis Active and knowledgable
GOALS: ST: advance cardiac health knowledge, attend Heart Walk 2014; Intervention: choose education articles to review; Measured by weekly patient-nurse interactions IM: diabetic management; Intervention: monitor blood glucose levels routinely; Measured by journaling LT: stress management; Intervention: Tension-Relaxation Cycle daily; Measured by journaling and nurse participation with Tension-Relaxation Cycle
Evaluations/Outcomes ST goal Signed up/donated money towards AHA for Heart Walk met with the nurse once a week for the last 3 weeks Folder and notebook that displays all new/old information Maintenance of accurate journaling for diabetes and stress management Continues to need time to make positive decisions in regards to diabetes and stress management-but improving
Conclusion Positive contribution towards a HP goal Jon is making better health decisions and motivation is high The process of HP brings essential tools to my present career
References Cummings, D. & Reed, M. (2008).CREATION health discovery: your path to a healthy 100. Orlando, Florida: Florida Hospital Publishing. Pender, N. J., Murdaugh, C.L., & Parsons, M.A. (2011). Health promotion in nursing practice (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall.