Research Student Development Programme Dr Richy Hetherington
National Changes Number of doctoral graduates has trebled in last 20 years Full time academic positions have not Stats from HESA
The Royal Society Scientific Century: securing our future prosperity 2010
A changing employer environment Competency Frameworks Appraisal and feedback Performance Management Self Assessment
Programme Booklet Mostly accurate but is subject to change
Inside the booklet Events with identical names are duplicate events A few sessions are mandatory – Managing your PhD, MD or Mphil; Appropriate Safety sessions Academic Integrity Research Ethics
Session Details
Graduate School Website
Booking system Appropriate staffing MonitoringEvaluation Accommodate Changes Additions
Online Resources
IT training Library Information sessions (Endnote, Library Databases, Further Research Resources,) and IT sessions (Managing Your Essay, Data & Spreadsheets, Presentations using PowerPoint etc. Interactive materials accessed Online
Interactive Guide
Your development Personal Development Planning and the ePortfolio Assessing your development needs Automatic ePortfolio updates Reviewing your own development
Varied Development opportunities Research Seminars Other graduate schools (SAgE and HaSS) development programmes Library, ISS, Maths Aid, Writing Centre FameLab Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Biotechnology YES Vitae (UK Grad) Postgraduate Conference
The Good News
I wish you every success in your research and your career Thanks and any questions?