YETS activities in n_TOF O. Aberle, S. Montesano (EN/STI)
First experimental area (EAR1) Review the alignment of Collimator n.2 September Install the missing filters in the filter box September Install protections to take the sweeping magnet out of the access system external interfaces Install Beam Imminent Warning signals Finalize the laser system for detector alignment in the Experimental Area: adjustable supports with screws for ~ micrometer precision general switch cross check alignment of the lasers with SU Investigate (and solve) the recurring problems with broken bulbs Review and improve the grounding and the electromagnetic shielding of the Experimental Area Prepare Al-coated vacuum windows (light-tight) Fix or change the broken cameras
Second experimental area (EAR2) I Install the filter box in the beam line Install dosimeter reader for Access Control to building 380 Install a plastic container for the water from the shower Install Beam Imminent Warning signals Prepare Al-coated vacuum windows (light-tight) Finalize the installation of the “alarms” (vacuum valve, open doors,..) Install temperature sensors Install RadMon detectors Review and improve the grounding and the electromagnetic shielding of the Experimental Area
Second experimental area (EAR2) II Finalize the laser system for detector alignment in the Experimental Area: adjustable supports with screws for ~ micrometer precision cross check alignment of the lasers with SU change the broken lasers Finalize the gas system in the Experimental Area Install the gas distribution panels Install compressed air distribution in the bunker and in the preparation room Prepare one gas line for the new PPAC beam monitor detector Prepare two gas lines for MMEGAS detectors Check the lines for possible leaks Upgrade the gas system to have the possibility to use flammable gas
Other issues Investigate the possibility to have independent Access Zone (not just Sectors) for EAR1 and EAR2 will not be done Verify and improve the phone reception in TFP + Technical gallery + TFT Review of the cooling station status Remove unused electronics and material from the old Control Room Installation of the fire resistant cupboard for C6D6 detectors