What you should have for the Science Fair Project.
Paper/Lab Report – 55 points Title – “duh” –Should be in the form of a question. Your name. My Name (Mrs. Montemarano or Mrs. M). Group Letter or Period you have science. This should be a separate piece of paper. Title Page
Table of Contents List parts of the paper in order, with the pages they appear on. This should be a separate piece of paper from the rest.
Problem or Purpose This is the question you’re trying to answer. Should be phased in the form of a question. Problem or purpose, hypothesis, materials, etc. can all be on the same piece of paper.
Hypothesis What do you think is going to happen; educated guess. Don’t forget to start with…”I think…” or “I hypothesize…”. It doesn’t matter if your hypothesis is right or wrong.
Materials What did you use to do your experiment. LIST, LIST, LIST…NO PARAGRAPHS or sentences. Things you do not need to put in your materials: –Any part of your body (brain, hand, mouth, etc.), anyone that helps you, air, etc.
Procedure What you did during the experiment. NUMBERED STEPS…NO PARAGRAPHS. Make sure your steps have numbers. 1. First, blah, blah 2. Next, stuff and things 3. Then, more stuff
Results The information you got from the experiment. Charts, graph, etc. should be included. A brief summary (a paragraph or 2) explaining your results. Don’t forget to tell me which is the control & which is the variable.
Book Research Write a research paper about something to do with your topic, not your actual topic. Must be at least 250 words (yes I will be making Mr. M count them for me). Must have at least 3 reliable sources. Search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.) don’t count as sources. NO WIKIPEDIA
Conclusion Sum everything up; tell me what happened. Tell me if your hypothesis was accepted or rejected. Tell where errors may have occurred.
Bibliography (Work Cited) Cite the sources you used in your research. Remember to use the sheet you got from me or Mrs. Forgacs to help you Use one of the great websites to help you. Go to
Acknowledgements Thank the people who helped you do your project. “I would like to thank my mom & dad for buying the stuff for my experiment & Mrs. M for being awesome.”
Display/Board – 30 points Should have a BIG title at the top It must be able to stand on its own (NO posters, flat boards, etc) Should have a copy of your: – Purpose –Hypothesis –Materials –Procedure –Conclusion
More Display/Board stuff Results –include charts, graphs or pictures –try to be visually appealing DON’T FORGET IDENTIFICATION –Your name –My name (Mrs. Montemarano or Mrs. M) –Group letter or period –These must be on the FRONT of the display
Oral Report – 5 points Present your board. Tell us: –What you did (your title) –How you did it (procedure) –What results you got –Ask for any questions Be sure you make eye contact (even if it’s just with me) Be sure to speak loud & clear
Pre-project work – 10 pts Did you meet all the deadline I set –Topic selection –Topic Proposal Sheet –Research –Results & Data –Rough Draft of 250-word essay
Extra Credit Did you bring something to display with your board? (1 – 5 points) Did you attend the science fair? (5 pts)
Important Dates Science Fair Project (Paper & Display) is due April 7 th Oral Presentations will be April 7 th through April 9 th The Science Fair is April 9 th from 6:00pm – 8:00 pm in the cafeteria