Name all the organs you can think of that make up the Respiratory System 10/29/15 Date:10/29/15Topic:Diffusion in the BodyPage # ___
Today in Room 326/311… HW: One paragraph that answers both questions: 1)How do the alveoli allow you to exercise? 2)Why does emphysema impact your ability to breathe? CONTENT OBJ: SW describe the role of the alveoli in relation to diffusion LANG. OBJ: SW read, highlight, and answer questions in writing using the Breath of Life packet ANNOUNCEMENTS: Today after school! Finals next week… AGENDA: Missing things Admit Slip Discussion Breath of Life Reading Videos Exercise Activity Date:10/29/15Topic:Diffusion in the BodyPage # ___
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Brain Pop: Respiratory System espiratorysystem/ espiratorysystem/
The Breath of Life Volunteer to model “Partner Reading” with me? One packet per pair If odd number, group of 3 is ok. Everyone takes turns reading & highlighting Switch every paragraph! Everyone takes turns writing Switch every question! Show Document 30 minutes for full packet
Diffusion in the Body* Respiratory System Alveolus (plural = alveoli) is the place of gas exchange between the lungs and the blood Oxygen diffuses OUT of alveoli into blood Carbon dioxide diffuses INTO alveoli from blood
Emphysema Videos Science: Non-Smoking Ads – emphysema
Journal Notes Diffusion Across Alveoli Exercise Activity BeforeAfter Resting Pulse: Resting Breathing Rate: Color change time: Description: _________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Exercise Activity While sitting in seats, find pulse. Will time for 30 seconds and you will count the beats. Bring up timer
Journal Notes Diffusion Across Alveoli Exercise Activity BeforeAfter Resting Pulse: Resting Breathing Rate: Color change time: Description: _________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Multiple x2 and record beats/min
Exercise Activity While sitting in seats, count breaths for 30 seconds Multiple x2 and record breaths/min
Bromothymol Blue Demo Volunteer? Time how long it takes to turn the blue to yellow using normal breaths Exercise for 2 min Time again how long it takes to turn the blue to yellow using post-exercise breaths
Journal Notes Diffusion Across Alveoli Exercise Activity BeforeAfter Resting Pulse: Resting Breathing Rate: Color change time: Description: _________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Record time in second for before & after (for demo, not you)
Exercise! Staying safe within the room, please get up and exercise for two minutes When you hear the alarm, quickly sit down and find your pulse so we can get accurate data Then count your breaths
Homework One paragraph, answering both questions: 1) How do the alveoli allow you to exercise? 2) Why does emphysema impact your ability to breathe? Include a discussion of diffusion in both your answers.