Explore The Ministry of Special Religious Education By Walking The Journey as a Catechist “Let The Little Children Come Unto Me” “The Harvest Is Plentiful.


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Presentation transcript:

Explore The Ministry of Special Religious Education By Walking The Journey as a Catechist “Let The Little Children Come Unto Me” “The Harvest Is Plentiful But The Workers Are Few”

Our Church / A Safe Community / A Shared Commitment ‘SRE Is A Ministry Which Comes Under Child Protection Legislation’ SUPPORT  Resources  Parish  Diocesan TRAINING  Courses  Inservice  Reflections One Hour Preparation 1/2 Hour Lesson Time Prayerfully Consider Becoming a Catechist or an Assistant Teacher ‘Christ Our Light & Life’ Is The Approved Program As a teacher or as an assistant Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His vineyard

For Further Information, please contact Parish Co-ordinator: Phone number: Members of our SRE team are waiting to talk with you after Mass