Revolution and Civil War in Russia, cont. Chapter 11 Section 5
The November Revolution brings the Bolsheviks to Power Leon Trotsky helped Lenin and Bolsheviks in the Revolution o They promised “Peace, Land and Bread.” Alexander Kerensky led the provisional gov. o He continued to keep Russia in WWI and failed to deal with land reform Peasants grew angry City workers wanted out of the war Soldiers mutinied
Nov. 1917, peasants revolted and took land from fearful landlords Bolsheviks seized this opportunity and the Red Guard (army of factory workers) attacked the provisional gov. o They marched into Moscow and took over the Kremlin Gave peasants land Workers were given control of factories New red flag with hammer and sickle Represented the union of workers and peasants Renamed Bolshevik party the Communist party
Russia plunges into Civil War March 1918, Russia signed the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk with Germany o Russia had to give up large portions of land, but peace was worth it. Fighting between the Reds (communists) and Whites (everyone else) o Allies helped the Whites hoping it would bring Russia back into WWI o Reds appealed to nationalism and urged Russia to drive out the foreigners o Allied invasion fed communist distrust of the West o Violence in the Revo. was common Communists shot Nicholas, Alexandra and their 5 kids
War under Communism Communists used terror to control their people o Cheka-communist secret police o Set up forced labor camps They took over banks, mines, factories and railroads All food went to army and factory workers Trotsky used commissars to teach the army party principles Trotsky told his generals to shoot every tenth man in their unit if they performed poorly White army was too disorganized to win
Building the Communist Soviet Union Lenin faced problem of rebuilding a shattered state and economy In 1922, he united most of Russia in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics o Democratic and socialist Created a legislature Citizens over 18 could vote Power given to workers and peasants o In reality communist party rules Used secret police
Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) State controlled banks, foreign trade and large industry Small businesses could open for private profit Peasants could sell surplus crops Helped the economy recover
Stalin takes over Lenin died in 1924 at age 54 Power struggle ensued between Trotsky and Stalin o Stalin had Trotsky killed Stalin was ready for his dictatorship!