Stockton University Purchasing and Grants 11/4/15
General Stockton University Purchasing Requirements: Bid Threshold : $33, Purchases under $5,000 – No competition required. Purchases between $5,000 - $32, – Three (3) quotes are required. Purchases $33,000 or greater – Must be a publicly advertised procurement or a bid waivered contract. *Note:Service Provider Agreements are required for all service contracts regardless of amount.
New Federal Uniform Guidance for Grants The new Federal Uniform Guidance has been interpreted as requiring competition for any purchase over $3,000. Competition should be acquired in the same way it would otherwise be obtained under Stockton Purchasing Policies and Procedures. Purchases below $3, – No quotes required. Purchases $3, $32, – Three quotes required. Purchases over $33,000 – Publicly Advertised Procurement or Bid Waiver.
What is a Bid Waiver? A Contract that: exceeds the bid threshold; and meets one of the statutory exceptions for a bid waivered contract; and is approved by the Board of Trustees by a Resolution. Only the requirement of PUBLIC advertisement is “waived.” Competition on all bid waivered contracts must still be obtained, whenever possible.
Bid Waiver Categories: 1. Professional Services 2. Products/services where written specifications cannot be developed 3. Materials/Supplies available through only one bidder 4. Work done through University employees 5. Printing of legal notices/legal briefs/legal materials 6. Textbooks, copyrighted materials, library materials, newspapers, or other audio/visual materials 7. Food supplies and services 8. Services through public utilities 9. Equipment repair services or parts order 10. Specialized machinery or equipment 11. Insurance 12. Publishing of legal notices 13. Acquisition of artifacts/articles of historic or artistic nature 14. Student loan collections 15. Professional consulting services 16. Entertainment, including theatrical presentations
Bid Waiver Categories Continued: 17. Contracts related to student activity fees or student funds 18. Printing 19. Data processing software, systems, services and equipment 20. Personnel recruitment and advertising 21. Educational supplies, books etc. purchased by a University bookstore 22. Purchase or rental of graduation gowns, certificates or plaques 23. Items available at costs below State contract pricing for same product/service, 24. Management contracts for bookstores, performing arts centers, residence halls, parking facilities, and building operations 25. Consulting services involving information technology, curricular or programmatic review, fundraising, transportation, safety or security 26. Construction management services for construction, alteration or repair of any building 27. Purchase or rental of equipment of a technical nature when the procurement thereof without advertising is necessary in order to assure standardization of equipment and interchangeability of parts in the public interest.
Bid Waivered Contracts Must be approved by the Board of Trustees. BOT Meetings listed on website: Bid Waiver Package must be submitted to Purchasing two months before the meeting: Bid Waiver Package Submission Due Date Board of Trustee Meeting Dates PastDecember 2, 2015 December 11, 2015February 24, 2016 March 4, 2016May 4, 2016
Bid Waiver Requests: The following should be submitted with the bid waiver request form: Bid Waiver Request Form with signatures from the Requestor & VP of Division A minimum of three Quotes or Sole Source Justification* Service Provider Agreement, completed but not signed. Proposal or quote from Vendor Bid Waiver Vendor Checklist package with all forms completed by the vendor.
Service Provider Agreements All Service Provider Agreements that include payments from grant accounts must be reviewed by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) and assigned a G # before they are forwarded for Legal review. All contracts must also be reviewed by legal and issued an L #. All associated license agreements, master service agreements or other agreement that the vendor requests should be attached to the Service Provider Agreement. Legal counsel must review all agreements prior to execution. Any changes in the contract requested by vendor must be reviewed by legal. A fully executed contract should be attached to requisition as backup.
NJ STATE CONTRACTS N.J.S.A 18A:64-60 permits any State college to purchase goods and services using a New Jersey State contract. The University may only purchase from those State Contracts that are available to the Cooperative Purchasing Partners. A list of all existing State Cooperative purchasing contracts can be viewed at shtml shtml A list of all existing State purchasing contracts by category can be viewed at General Search by key word, vendor, title or contract number:
State Contract Purchases: When purchasing from a state contract, the minimum bid threshold requirements Do Not Apply. The Method of Operation of the State Contract needs to be followed. Requisitions that reference a State Contract should have a quote regardless of the amount.
GSA and other Federal Procurement Program Schedules N.J.S.A. 18A:64-60 permits the purchases from these schedules when: 1) the price of the goods or services is no greater than the price offered to the federal agencies; 2) the State college receives the benefit of federally mandated price reductions and protection from price increases during term of contract; 3) the price is no greater than the price of the same or equivalent good or service under any State contract unless purchase from the federal schedule is more advantageous for the college; 4) the order is placed with the vendor offering the lowest price under the schedules.
GSA Schedules GSA Purchases should be vetted by the Purchasing Department. The desired GSA Schedule has to be available to Cooperative Purchasing. GSA Library Search by contractor or category: *A minimum of three quotes must be obtained from contractors on the schedule for most GSA purchases.
Additional State Law Contracting Requirements Business Registration Certificate (BRC) for contracts over $4,950 Chapter 51 Approval for contracts over $17,500 NJ Prevailing Wage and Certified Payroll Requirements require payment of minimum rates for laborers, craftsmen and apprentices working on public works projects in excess of $2,000 AA/EEO Forms Business Ownership Forms Iran Certification Source Disclosure Form MacBride Principles Form
Additional Stockton University Contracting Requirements W-9 form and registration with Purchasing Certificate of Insurance for any work performed on University Property Stockton Service Provider Agreement