Assessment For Today’s Classrooms™ Module 5 How Do I Manage All This?
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Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5
1.Discuss what records need to be organized in a classroom. 2.Discuss how you would organize them. 3.Create a visual to display your results for the whole group. (i.e. mind map, graphic organizer, chart, list, report, etc.)
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5 Independently: 1.Complete the Anticipation Guide on the topic of Readability. 2.Read the article on Readability. 3.Predict the readability level of the text brought to class. 4.Use one of the readability formulas on the text that was brought to class. Once you are in your group, complete the following tasks: Discuss findings and the implications on instruction. Discuss the answers to the Anticipation Guide.
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5 What It IsWhat It Is Not Proactive Qualitative Rooted in assessment Provides multiple approaches to content, process, product Student-centered A blend of whole class, small group, and individual instruction Never looks the same Individualized instruction Chaotic Another way of providing homogeneous grouping Information taken from How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms by Carol Ann Tomlinson
Know Standards Know Students ° Screening ° Diagnosis Know Standards Know Students ° Screening ° Diagnosis PLAN DO Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5 Instruct students whole group o Planned lessons Based on standards Variety of materials Appropriat e teaching techniques “I do it” Sometimes “We do it” Assessments o Grades o Teacher- made tests “You do it” Differentiated Instruction Flexible Grouping Respectful Tasks “You do it” Differentiated Instruction Flexible Grouping Respectful Tasks ACT “Sometimes we do it” “We do it” “You do it” Progress monitoring Record keeping systems “Sometimes we do it” “We do it” “You do it” Progress monitoring Record keeping systems CHECK
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5
Anecdotal Chart ______________________s Class Date:______________
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5 The teacher is clear about what standards need to be taught. The teacher understands, appreciates, and builds upon student differences. Assessment and instruction are inseparable. All students participate in appropriate assignments. Students and teachers are collaborative in learning. The teacher adjusts content, process, and product in response to student readiness, interests, and learning profile. Goals are maximum growth and continued success. Flexibility is the key!
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5 “Assessment should always have more to do with helping students grow than with cataloging their mistakes.” Carol Ann Tomlinson
Assessment For Today’s Classrooms, Module 5
PowerPoint Presentation By: Lawanna Martinec Contact Information: Diana Brown Assessment For Today’s Classrooms ™ PowerPoint Presentation Module 5 How Do I Manage All This? © 2013 PLS 3rd Learning.