Yu. Guz 21/04/20061 Database usage by calorimeters Yu. Guz IHEP Protvino
Yu. Guz 21/04/20062 PVSS reconstruction Cond DB Mon+calib farm CALO DB Conf DB PVSS archive Hardware Control PCs
Yu. Guz 21/04/20063 CALO entries for central databases Conditions DB – info which is potentially useful for reconstruction ● Geometry and alignment ● PS, ECAL, HCAL – calibration coefficients ● PS, ECAL, HCAL – LED monitoring results for correction ● SPD – MIP efficiency and noise (from calibration runs with lower threshold) ● PS – MIP amplitude (from calibration runs with lower threshold) ● HCAL – relative luminosity (based on PM current) Configuration DB – stores recipes which include: ● SPD, PS, ECAL, HCAL – DAQ connectivity (ADC channels, TELL1 etc) ● Run settings (HV, ADC delays, LED Uref) – for each running mode Other detector-related information is to be placed into the Detector Database
Yu. Guz 21/04/20064 What is left for the detector database ● Historical (production) data ◈ HCAL+ECAL PM QC data (HAMAMATSU, LAL, ITEP, IHEP) ◈ PM+CW calibration (HCAL only?) ◈ ECAL cosmic measurements ◈ HCAL Cs measurements at production ◈ PS/SPD PM data ◈ PS/SPD cosmic measurements ◈ ECAL/HCAL FE cards calibration (?) ◈ ECAL/HCAL DAC modules calibration
Yu. Guz 21/04/20065 What is left for the detector database (cont) ● DCS connectivity (PM ID, DAC channel# (HV & LED), FE channel#, integrator channel (HCAL), …) ? ● HCAL and ECAL PM calibration with monitoring system – will override the “production” data ● HCAL and ECAL LED Uref scans with monitoring system ● HCAL Cs calibration results ● Anything else? (like PM delay measurements)
Yu. Guz 21/04/20066 PMT reminder G 0 ~( )∙10 3 α ~ ( ) (U in kV)
Yu. Guz 21/04/20067 LED-PIN reminder (HCAL case) PIN response as a function of amount of light may be not perfectly linear precalibration may be useful
Yu. Guz 21/04/20068 Use cases of the detector database (apart from archiving the production data) ◈ calculation of initial HV setting for ECAL from PM gain map; ◈ correction of HV setting for ECAL from p. ex. energy flow algorithm; ◈ calculation of HV settings for HCAL using the results of the Cs calibration; ◈ setting LED Uref to obtain monitoring signal of given amplitude; ◈ applying PIN diode correction to the monitoring data ◈ correction of HV settings at replacement of DAC board; ◈ correction of calibration coefficients at replacement of ADC board; ◈ The calculations are supposed to be done offline. The results - new settings (HV, delay etc) - can be read by PVSS (p. ex. in ASCII format) and then saved as ConfDB recipes.
Yu. Guz 21/04/20069 PVSS reconstruction Cond DB UPDATES (Connectivity, HV, delays, …) ASCII files ? Mon+calib farm Offline procedures CALO DB Conf DB PVSS archive Hardware Cs calib results Control PCs
Yu. Guz 21/04/ Configuration DB: ● Nothing to do, recipes are saved/extracted “automatically” Conditions DB: ● structure determined by reconstruction needs ● correction coming from monitoring algorithms ◈ update rate: for individual channels, only in case of significant deviation ✐ provide proper algorithms Central databases
Yu. Guz 21/04/ Detector database Collection of information for DCS Low update rate (?) Can reside at the pit8 Oracle server (maintained by the online group) The contents and structure is to be determined by us (no connection to central databases) ▌ history of reconnections and changes of settings can be stored ▌ Access tools (Excel?) Part of “production time” information is already available at the CERN Oracle server (PM QC data, ECAL cosmic measurements) (Oleg Guschin, done before May 2005). Some calibration data are being taken for ECAL and HCAL as a byproduct of commissioning The work can be continued at the central server (the data will be ported to the pit8 server when available)