SAUSALITO MARIN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Unaudited Actuals Financial Reporting
General Fund “Actual” Year-End Totals Unrestricted Revenue $4,334,017 Less Expense $2,951,741 Net: (Before contributions to restricted) Incr. (Decr.) $ 1,382,275 Ending Fund Balance $1,232,781 (Before Reserves) Restricted Revenue $1,510,426 Less Expense $2,523,506 Net: (Before contributions from unrestricted) Incr. (Decr.) ( $1,013,079) Ending Fund Balance $ 225,616
General Fund Revenue Summary - $5,844,443.61
General Fund Revenue Summary - $5,844,443 Revenue Limit Sources/Property Tax $ 3,597, Unrestricted= $ 3,574,832 (Property Taxes) Restricted= $ 20,374 (Special Ed.) Federal Revenues: $ 223, Unrestricted= $ 15, Maintenance & Operations Restricted= $ 207, Special Ed., NCLB, Title I,II,III Other State Revenues $ 789, Unrestricted= $ 550, Special Ed., CSR, Mandates, Lottery, TIG Restricted= $ 238, Transportation, EIA, Lottery, ASES Other Local Revenue $ 1,657,897 Unrestricted= $ 193, Restricted= $ 1,041, Local Revenue (w/o Property Tax) Leases and Rentals $ 24, CAM (Community Action Marin) ~ Non-Profit Corstone ~ Non-Profit MCOE ~ SELPA$ 166,855 Interest$ 2,215 All Other Fees & Contracts, $ 146,327 Robin’s Nest, WCA Fees, insurance/property and liability *Other Local Revenue$ 895,270 *Other Local includes restricted monies and other monies received throughout the year after budget adoption. Funds are from donations, the Garden - Millagro Foundation, and Marin Community Foundation (majority). The Marin Community Foundation (MCF) has several grants: Arts, Transforming Schools Grant, and the Pre-K to 3 Grant,
General Fund Expenditure Summary - $5,475,247.89
Willow Creek Academy Contribution
Other Funds “Actual” Year-End Totals Cafeteria Fund ~ 13 Revenue $94, Federal = $87, State= $ 6, Less Expenses $154, Net: Incr. (Decr.)($60,907.35) District Contribution= $60, Ending Balance $40.01 Deferred Maintenance Fund ~ 14 Revenue: $ Less Expenses $ 7, Net: Incr. (Decr.) ($7,560.88) Ending Balance $181,780.43
Ending Fund Balances All Funds = $1,458, Summary of Ending Fund Balances Assignments Commitments = $ 672,517 Reserve = $577,806 Board Approved Reserve for Economic Uncertainties 10% Attendance Audit = $95,000 Assignments = $34, Medical Funding = $29,451 Nell Soto State Grant = $3,757 Site Supplies & Material = $1, Restricted = $225,616.02