Robots in Space
Space Travel is Difficult It is very dangerous for humans to travel to space. It is also dangerous for humans to be in space because of the random temperature swings and solar radiation. Temperature swings can range from 120 degrees Celsius (248 degrees Fahrenheit) to -100 degrees Celsius (-148 degrees Fahrenheit).
Astronauts The space suits that the astronauts wear are bulky and uncomfortable. The suits hinder quick movement. If there is an emergency astronauts cannot get outside quick enough to respond to the situation. For these reasons robots are far more better candidates for space travel.
Robonauts Robots that look like humans are called robonauts. Robonauts can handle harsh conditions in space. They are built to look like humans so that they can use the same facilities we do.
Physiology of Robonauts Robonauts have a head, arms, and a torso just like humans but instead of legs they have an anchoring device that keeps them in place. The robonauts head has a camera that allows the human operator to see what the robonaut encounters. Robonauts have an aluminum inner skeleton and an outer shell.
Telepresence Telepresence is the use of virtual reality hardware. This allows the human to operate the robonauts movement by moving their own bodies. Telepresence allows the robonaut to perform movements such as using scissors to cut, tying a knot and using power tools.
Advantages of using robots Tasks are done quicker. Humans are not placed in danger. Robots do not need to be brought back to earth, which is easier. Robots do not require life support (food and energy). Robots can go places humans cannot. Sending robots into space instead of humans is easier on the economy.
Disadvantages of robots Robots have not been designed to install and fix things that humans can. Robots cannot handle problems that they are not able to see, whereas humans can. Robots cannot perform extensive research that humans can. Robots can malfunction on individual missions and humans will not be there to fix the problem.