MY EXPECTATIONS AND GOALS FOR THE YEAR Enrich your knowledge Be a positive role model and influence in your day Push you to do things you didn’t think you could do Encourage you to go above and beyond the basic requirements Instill a sense of pride in yourself that you can take with you Prepare you for high school, college and/or your career Have fun when we can! Get to know each and every student Consistency
MY EXPECTATIONS OF MY STUDENTS o Honesty o Integrity o Effort o Willingness to try new things o Positive attitude as much as possible o Respect for oneself, other students and staff
KANSAS COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS STANDARDS o Posted in room o New curriculum across the country (“Common Core”) o Everything we do should apply to one or more of these standards
“RULES” Respect yourself, each other and your teacher! o When the bell rings at start of class, it should be quiet. o Fill in planner o Get materials out and ready o Start the assignment on the overhead o When I am teaching, you should not be talking, working on assignments or in other way show that you are not paying attention. Trust that I will give you time to work on assignments and that what I am saying is important. o Do not interrupt the learning of any other student! o Bathroom: o Only during work time – not during instruction, unless an emergency o No planner, no bathroom o Sign out and sign back in
CLASS WORK AND HOMEWORK o Class work: o Grammar o Reading – first, second, even third reads o Close reading, with annotation and discussion o Short written responses o Longer writing projects o Novels o Friday quizzes, covering things we read or worked on that week o Homework: o Completion of work that can’t get finished in class
GRADING o Grades based on what you learned… not just what you did o No retakes on Friday quizzes o Many things go in gradebook for zero points o No make-it-or-break-it grades, but all grades are important!
LATE WORK o 10% off every day it is late, until 50%. Then 50% for rest of quarter. o Talk to me if you are having a hard time!
SUPPLIES o Organization – homework, handouts, etc. o Something to write with o Planner o Composition notebook – kept in room
END OF CLASS o I only have you for 45 minutes – every minute is important! o No packing up early o If class has been respectful and there is time, I will let you know when you can pack up and talk quietly o Stay in own seat o When bell rings, I will dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you.
WHAT ARE WE DOING THIS YEAR? o Lots of reading, re-reading and even triple reading to understand meaning(s) of what we are reading (short stories, articles, novels, poems, etc.) o Small and large group discussions of readings o Written responses to reading, giving specific evidence from text to support your arguments o Short research projects, supporting arguments and learning proper citation o Long Term Projects: o Soundtrack writing project o The Call of the Wild o The Diary of Anne Frank (play) o Holocaust study o Tom Sawyer o Longer research paper at end of year