Discussion Questions 1. Please compare and contrast Phylum Porifera and Phylum Cnidaria Phylum Cnidaria 2/17/15 Using your textbook, journal, handouts, or smart phone please complete the following:
Reminders Animal Exam Root word quiz Phyla Books due the day of the test Zoo Trip Go to room 1135 Tues or Thurs for Science Peer Tutoring during PLC
QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… come see me Tues or Thurs during PLC Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.
Today’s Objective: OBJECTIVES: Describe and Explain the characteristics of Phyla Porifera and Phylum Cnidaria
Phylum Porifera “Sponges”
Osculum Choanocyte Mesenchyme Epidermis Amoebocyte Pore Spicule Central Cavity Osculum – water leaves through this hole at the top of the sponge Choanocytes – cells that use a flagellum to move a steady current of water through the sponge; also trap food & begin digestion process Mesenchyme – jelly like middle layer where amoebocytes pick up nutrients Amoebocytes – cells that complete digestion of food particles & transfer nutrients throughout the sponge; also help make spicules Spicule – spike-shaped structure that makes up the skeletons of harder sponges; made of either chalklike calcium carbonate of glasslike silica
Porifera – General Characteristics Multicellular Heterotrophic – filter feeder Lack symmetry Matrix – mass of cells
Feeding Method 1. Brought in by choanocytes (collar cells) & digestion begins intracellular (inside cell) 2. Choanocytes release nutrients into mesenchyme 3. Amoebocytes pick up nutrients, complete digestion, deliver nutrients to the sponge, & pick up wastes 4. Waste removed by pores
Reproduction Asexual – budding Gemmules – group of amoebocytes surrounded by a protective layer; these form when environmental conditions are harsh Sexual – can produce egg and sperm, but CANNOT self fertilize 4Sbyo
Habitat Live attached to sea floor (sessile)
Ecology Some photosynthetic Provide habitats for other marine animals
Phylum Cnidaria
Tentacles Tentacles Mouth G. Cavity Epidermis s Gastrodermis Basal Disk Gastrodermis Mesoglea G. Cavity Epidermis Cnideria - Structures/Functions MedusaPolyp Mouth Polyp - sessile cnidarian with mouth upBasal Disc - used to attach a polyp to rock or water plant Medusa - motile (free-swimming) cnidarian with mouth down Epidermis – outer layer of body wallMesoglea – jelly like layer between inner & outer layers of body Gastrodermis – inner layer of body wallGastrovascular Cavity - interior of hollow body Tentacles - arm-like structures around mouth, armed with cnidocytes
Cnidocyte - stinging cell; used to stun/ paralyze prey Nematocyst – small barbed stinging structure to capture prey Cnideria - Structures/Functions
Multicellular Radial symmetry Tissues – network of nerve cells Acoelomate Cnideria – General Characteristics
Tentacle with cnidocytes paralyze prey Tentacles move food into mouth then into gastrovascular cavity Cnideria – Feeding Method
Enzymes digest the food Cells engulf digested food Undigested food passes out through mouth Cnideria – General Characteristics
Asexual – budding or regeneration Sexual Hermaphroditic - produce both egg & sperm, but CANNOT self fertilize Cnideria – Reproduction
Habitat Most marine; few fresh water Ecology Balance the amount of smaller living things living in water Provide cleaner water Help create coral reefs & biodiversity Cnideria – Habitat & Ecology
Power Point Analysis for Animals New Groups Work on the animal handouts you picked up at the door today and those from Fri. Work on your Animal Phyla Booklet (booklet will not go in your journal) ….everything else will as usual.