8am – 3pm –Academic Eligibility –Transfer Eligibility –Special Reports –Early Dismissal –Contest Contracts –Meet with student fan leaders –Transportation –Coaches Qualifications 3pm – 10pm –Game Management –Sportsmanship DWR! Expectations –Parents –Student Fans –Officials –Mother Nature –Volunteers
Coaches, Players and Fans who follow the DWR! Expectations will represent their school well and create a positive game experience. Represents their school and community well with positive interaction with opposing fans and players. Uses positive yells, chants, songs or gestures. Display modesty in victory and graciousness in Defeat Respect and acknowledge the integrity/judgment of officials. Exhibit positive behavior with opponents and fans before, during and after the contest.
Coaches Meeting Need to know your expectations Coaches, Players, Parents Sideline Decorum Start with your players in practice Talk to players about your (Coach) expectations for them Emphasize sportsmanship while competing and being a leader when attending other events. Share the DWR Rubric Sportsmanship will part of coaches evaluation Coach needs to let parents know what the DWR expectations are for them as parents My Expectations Don’t Bait The Officials Coach/Players Gestures at Calls Athletes will model coach Talk About DWR Enforce It- “Inspect What You Expect” Consequences for poor sportsmanship Don’t Be “That Guy”
Set the tone in Pre-Season Meetings –Parents need to know that DWR is important –Parents need to know what is acceptable –Parents need to know what is unacceptable –Parents need to know they can help us –Parents need to know that there will be consequences for poor behavior
Meet with athletes separately during the Pre-Season Discuss the Captains Handbook Let athletes know your expectations (Competition) -Gestures after call or No Call -Gestures to the fans/crowd -Trash Talking --Social Media Concerns -Carry yourself at all times with CLASS -Set The Tone-Be A Leader!
Simple “Pep” talk before the start of the game -Be Classy -Don’t single out opponents by name/number -Nothing Personal (Social Media) -Appropriate Cheers We know all the tricks! (Sound Alike Cheer) -Make us Proud!
- to support ALL teams - to publically engage ALL fans during games - to enter the Student Section Showdown k&feature=youtu.be