A Savior Matthew 1:21 Sermon 2 (part 1) – God’s gifts
A savior (an OT precedent) Background
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s promise to Abraham (Gen 12:7)
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s promise to Abraham (Gen 12:7) From Abraham to Egypt
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s promise to Abraham (Gen 12:7) From Abraham to Egypt From Egypt to slavery
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Moses’ birth (Ex 2)
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Moses’ birth (Ex 2) Moses’ call (Ex 3)
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Moses’ birth (Ex 2) Moses’ call (Ex 3) Moses’ ministry (Ex 5-ff)
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Parallels with His provision of our Savior
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Parallels with His provision of our Savior We are children of promise
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Parallels with His provision of our Savior We are children of promise We have been born into slavery
A savior (an OT precedent) Background God’s provision of a deliverer Parallels with His provision of our Savior We are children of promise We have been born into slavery Jesus is our Savior
We are aliens and strangers here
Applications We are aliens and strangers here Even when it seems like nothing is happening, God is working to keep His Word
Applications We are aliens and strangers here Even when it seems like nothing is happening, God is working to keep His Word When God begins to move – things might get worse
Applications We are aliens and strangers here Even when it seems like nothing is happening, God is working to keep His Word When God begins to move – things might get worse Civil disobedience may be called for
Applications We are aliens and strangers here Even when it seems like nothing is happening, God is working to keep His Word When God begins to move – things might get worse Civil disobedience may be called for Lift up your heads! (Luke 21:28)