Tools & Techniques of Financial Planning Leimberg, Satinsky, Doyle & Jackson Monetary Settlement Planning
7-2 Structured Settlements Payment for workers comp or personal injury in installments Entire amount is tax-free Even though part of payment would represent interest May be for life or certain number of years Don’t have to invest lump-sum Can’t spend it all at once
7-3 Lottery Winnings Generally paid over many years Taxable Can sell rights to annuity Dumb
7-4 Life Insurance Proceeds Generally lump sum payment not taxable Annuity will include interest Life insurance settlements Viatical Life expectancy < 7 years Terminal illness Tax free
7-5 Life Insurance Proceeds Life insurance settlements Life settlements Over 75; < 12 years life expectancy Health going down hill Proceeds – cost of policy taxable
7-6 Lump Sum Distributions from Retirement Plans Roll to IRA More investment options Tax deferred growth Life expectancy risk Pay tax, do whatever you want Lots of tax Future tax rates higher? Taxed on future income Life expectancy risk
7-7 Lump Sum Distributions from Retirement Plans Or take an annuity Healthy Life expectancy risk Don’t want to manage funds