Write 3-4 sentences in your notes about this artwork. - Do you Like it? -Does it look difficult? -Should it be worth millions? Roy Lichtenstei n
Painter and Sculptor Artist Spotlight
Born 1923 in New York Died in 1997
An American Painting Movement of the 1940’s and 1950’s Usually no effort to show subject matter Used to covey emotions 1950’s he was known as an Abstract Expressionist
1960’s he became a Pop Artist Highly commercial art Lichtenstein used a cartoon/comic strip style Used the primary colors and dots – Benday dots Printmaking process using screens of various dot patterns to mechanically produce shading effects.
POP ART Style originated in England in the 1950’s Style in the US in the 1960’s Artists focused on familiar images of popular culture Billboards Comic strips Magazine advertisements Supermarket products
BLAM, Roy Lichtenstein, Oil on canvas, Size: 68 x 80 inches BLAM by Russ Heath from the comic book: All American Men of War #89
More about his style… created his work by hand Lichtenstein wanted his paintings to look like a machine made them – Used stencils to produce the dots that make his artwork look like a printed picture
BMW Art Car 1977