Consideration for Relaxing Current Red Drum Harvest Regulations NCMFC Meeting Kitty Hawk, NC
Background Managed under two FMP’s –Amendment 1 to the NC Red Drum FMP –Amendment 2 to the ASMFC Red Drum FMP Goal of both plans is to achieve and maintain a static Spawning Potential Ratio (sSPR) that is at or above 40% 40% sSPR is a compliance requirement of the ASMFC plan
Background Spawning stock biomass (SSB) for the population is unknown Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) is an expression of the spawning potential of a fished population relative to an unfished population Static SPR (sSPR) is a measure of what SPR can be expected under the current fishing regime (i.e. based on levels of fishing mortality and other factors)
Background Stock status based on prior and current management
Compliance Requirements States must implement harvest controls that achieve and maintain a minimum 40% sSPR No harvest over 27 inches TL No relaxation of commercial harvest measures* *NC can adjust the commercial trip limit with the intent being to prevent excessive discards Overages of commercial cap require a payback Any changes to management must be approved by ASMFC South Atlantic Board
sSPR values based on increased harvest * An increase in the recreational bag limit by one fish will result in at least a 20% increase in harvest
Conclusion Increasing the recreational bag and commercial trip limit under the current inch slot limit will result in sSPR values <40% Modifying the slot limit with possibility of increasing the daily harvest limits was considered as part of Amendment 1 to the NC Red Drum FMP (unanimous consent not to change) Any change will likely require an Amendment to plan (some flexibility with trip limit)
Recommendation NCDMF recommends that no additional amendment to the NC Red Drum FMP be pursued, and that the management program, as implemented through Amendment 1, be maintained.