I. Qualifications I. 35 years old II. 14 years of residency in U.S. III. Natural born citizen
II. Term of Office ◦22 nd Amendment ◦4 years/term ◦2 term limit; 10 years maximum
III. Compensation ◦$400,000/year ◦Air Force 1 ◦Free health and dental ◦$148,000/year pension ◦Free home with 132 rooms with a swimming pool, bowling alley, movie theatre, & tennis courts
IV. Presidential Succession ◦25 TH AMENDMENT ◦Vice President takes over if: ◦President dies ◦President resigns ◦President is impeached/removed ◦President is disabled (usually temporary) ◦In this case, the V.P. takes over if the President approves or if the V.P. and the majority of the Cabinet approve
V. Veep Roles 2 MAIN ROLES/DUTIES: 1. President of the Senate 2. Takes over for President (25 th Amendment) “President in waiting” INCREASED RESPONSIBILITY 1. Close adviser to the President 2. Represents President overseas 3. Diplomat (foreign policy) 4. Helps with national security & military policy DICK CHENEY IS SEEN AS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL V.P. IN U.S. HISTORY
I. Electoral College ◦DEFINITION: the group of people who are elected to cast the official votes for the President and VP II. Formation ◦Electors = # of Representatives + # of Senators ◦BEFORE 12 th AMENDMENT: 1 st place = President; 2 nd place = VP ◦AFTER 12 TH AMENDMENT: President & VP voted on separately
III. Electoral College Today ◦Popular vote = 1 st Tuesday after 1 st Monday in November ◦Voters really voting for their party’s electors ◦Whichever party’s candidate gets the plurality of the popular votes gets to choose that state’s electors ◦538 total votes ◦Winner takes all (except in ME & NE) ◦270 needed for the win ◦If no one gets this, the vote goes to the House ◦Electoral College vote = 1 st Monday after 2 nd Wednesday in December
IV. Problems with the Electoral College ◦Winner takes all ◦No chance for 3 rd party candidates ◦If House votes, 1 vote/state
V. Reform Ideas ◦Congressional districts voting ◦1 vote/district ◦2 votes/state ◦% of popular vote ◦EX: 60% of IL vote for Clinton and 40% of IL vote for Bush, Clinton gets 60% of electoral vote, Bush gets 40% ◦No Electoral College ◦Why bad? ◦Large cities control election ◦3 rd party candidates have good chances
Ch. 8 – The Presidency 8.3 – THE CABINET
I. Definition The group of advisers for the President that are the head of the executive departments 14 secretaries and one attorney general (15 total departments)
II. Selection of Cabinet Secretaries A. Should be experts B. Must be acceptable to all groups in power C. Party loyal D. Good administrative skills E. Leaders in their field F. Geographically, racially, gender balanced
III. When Selection Occurs A. Inauguration Day – January 20 th ◦- President elect (candidate who won the November election, but hasn’t taken oath of office yet) has secretaries and attorney general chosen before inauguration day, but sends selections to Senate on this day ◦Senate must approve
IV. Role of Cabinet A. Stronger POTUSs pay less attention to it ◦EXAMPLES: Wilson, FDR B. Cabinet today ◦Most Presidents use them at first and then taper off