Section 504 Created by Julie Combs At Risk Coordinator Welcome to Section 504 Made Easy
Objectives Gain basic understanding of 504 Law and how it translates to teachers in the classroom Understand the differences in Accommodations and Modifications Clear up misconceptions about who should be considered disabled according to 504 law. Provide tips for managing 504 accommodations.
Everyone has a right to Free Appropriate Public Education
Let’s See What You Know Read each statement and mark T or F for each one.
Who is disabled?
Two things have to be present The person must have a physical or mental impairment. Who decides? The impairment must SUBSTANTIALLY limit a major life activity or major body function. Who decides?
Obvious Disabilities
Not So
True Story
What Can Help You? PowerSchool Symbols Cum Folder Look for Red! Guidance department School Nurse Parents
Get the Most Out of PowerSchool
Lets Talk Accommodations!
Accommodation VS. Modification
Tips to Help Manage Information
Things to Remember about 504 Legal Document just like an IEP Go to the meetings Accommodation Plans are written as a team, don’t miss your opportunity to voice what accommodations should be in place. Go to the meetings! Accommodations are not just for academic needs, sometimes it can be as simple as letting a child leave a minute early to get to class or carry water with them.
Continued… Students with a 504 plan have a right to privacy so be discreet. All students can have accommodations to help them be successful. (It’s the right thing to do!) If a child is not succeeding with the current accommodations, then the plan needs to be revisited quickly to make appropriate changes.
Resources htm htm urces.html urces.html