Mexican-American War The conflict and the addition of territories
The Background Mexico had won the war against Spain Empire and got their independence. The Mexican Empire now inherited the provinces of Alta California, Nuevo M é xico, and Texas. However, due to bankruptcy after the war and weakness of controlling these Northern regions, Mexican government allowed U.S families to settle. Mexico had won the war against Spain Empire and got their independence. The Mexican Empire now inherited the provinces of Alta California, Nuevo M é xico, and Texas. However, due to bankruptcy after the war and weakness of controlling these Northern regions, Mexican government allowed U.S families to settle.
Map of Mexico (1846)
Disputed territory U.S and México disputed over the region bounded between Rio Grande and Nueces River.
U.S movement Although U.S claimed to annex Texas, it was followed by several controversies within Congress --> Free vs. Slave state? --> Inevitable question of war between Mexico March 1st, 1845, U.S formally admitted Texas as the 28th state. Although U.S claimed to annex Texas, it was followed by several controversies within Congress --> Free vs. Slave state? --> Inevitable question of war between Mexico March 1st, 1845, U.S formally admitted Texas as the 28th state.
U.S Movement contd. Polk dispatched Zachary Taylor and his troops in July to ensure regions. (then to Rio Grande in January) Polk sent John Slidell in an attempt to buy off the territories, but rejected. After Thornton Affair, U.S declared war on Mexico. Polk dispatched Zachary Taylor and his troops in July to ensure regions. (then to Rio Grande in January) Polk sent John Slidell in an attempt to buy off the territories, but rejected. After Thornton Affair, U.S declared war on Mexico.
Mexican reaction Thought disgrace to national honor to sell the territories. Jos é Joaqu í n de Herrera did not like the war, but coup d ’ etat by Mariano Paredes. April 25, 1846, Mexican soldiers fired at American troops and killed 16 men and captured rest of regiment. (Thornton Affair) Thought disgrace to national honor to sell the territories. Jos é Joaqu í n de Herrera did not like the war, but coup d ’ etat by Mariano Paredes. April 25, 1846, Mexican soldiers fired at American troops and killed 16 men and captured rest of regiment. (Thornton Affair)
Antonio L ó pez de Santa Anna Exiled in Cuba Agreed to settle the war (With U.S), but in return to Mexico, but reneged Agreed to help and fight foreign invasion (to Mexico), but did not. Exiled in Cuba Agreed to settle the war (With U.S), but in return to Mexico, but reneged Agreed to help and fight foreign invasion (to Mexico), but did not.
Battles can_war_overview.gif can_war_overview.gif
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and Aftermath Mexican cession of 525,000 square miles for $15 million dollars. (About 300 million now; not including Texas) 13,000 lives (U.S), Over 25,000 (Mexico) Set of Border (Rio Grande) Nicholas Trist Enlarge of 20% of land Mexican cession of 525,000 square miles for $15 million dollars. (About 300 million now; not including Texas) 13,000 lives (U.S), Over 25,000 (Mexico) Set of Border (Rio Grande) Nicholas Trist Enlarge of 20% of land