What is Enlightenment? History 104 / February 6, 2013
François Marie Arouet ( ) a.k.a. Voltaire
Disseminating knowledge: Voltaire Voltaire, Elements of the Philosophy of Newton (Amsterdam, 1738)
Disseminating knowledge: the Encyclopédia Denis Diderot ( )
First volume of the Encyclopédia (1751) “Encyclopedia, or reasoned dictionary of the sciences, arts, and methods” “By a society of people of letters”
39 volumes of the original Encyclopédia – available from online booksellers!
Examples of technical drawings from the Encyclopédia
Baron de Montesqueiu ( ) Persian Letters (1721) The Spirit of the Laws (1748)
Adam Smith ( ) The Wealth of Nations (1776)
Jean-Marie de Condorcet The Progress of the Human Mind (early 1790s)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau ( )
Rousseau, Émile or On Education (Amsterdam, 1762) - the “noble savage”
Rousseau, The Social Contract (Amsterdam, 1762)
Voltaire, Candide (1759) Essay on Tolerance (1763)
G. F. Lessing ( ) Nathan the Wise (1779)
The Baron d’Holbach The System of Nature (1780)
Immanuel Kant ( ) The Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
Initiation into a Masonic Lodge
Masonic symbols
Mary Wollstonecraft ( ) A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1791)
The Methodist revival: George Whitefield & John Wesley
Moses Mendelssohn ( )