1 Brussels, 24 september EESC Position of EURO COOP -EESC hearing on retail industry- Thomas van Zwol Co-operative Enterprises Policy Officer
Brussels, 24 september EESC 2 Presentation outline Consumer co-operatives in Europe Euro Coop’s view on the current retailers-suppliers controversy Euro Coop’s position on a code of conduct
Brussels, 24 september EESC 3
5 More than points of sale
Brussels, 24 september EESC 6 Take the supply chain as a whole! The consumers should not be left behind The legitimate interests of every actor along the supply chain should be taken into account
Brussels, 24 september EESC 7 Suppliers-retailers: the need for a balanced view No pre-judgement against retailers should be made Abuses, if they exist, need to be clearly demonstrated The supply chain is not a jungle: market rules exist Consumers need to be taken into account
Brussels, 24 september EESC 8 The code of conduct If the need is clearly demonstrated, Euro Coop would welcome a code of conduct, depending on the content Benefits should outweigh the costs
Brussels, 24 september EESC 9 Consumer co-operation in the food chain Consumers & producers should be as close as possible Co-operative values & principles: a strong basis for sustainable development, from farm to fork
Brussels, 24 september EESC 10 In conclusion European consumer co-operatives, as responsible retailers, do not reject the idea of a code of conduct However, its necessity must be clearly demonstrated Without making retailers the scapegoats