Lecture 1
Vidullan Surendran MSc Aerospace engineering Research: Emotional & Cognitive intelligence Advisor: Prof. Lyle Long Office: 234 Hammond Office hours: 12:30-14:30 Tues & Thurs or
Not a programming course It is about definitions, processes, case studies and accepted practices Software has been called the “Achilles heel” of aerospace engineering Counts towards the computational minor Material: Angel Website: Userid = student Password = swe_notes GISE: SWEBOK: Optional Textbook: "Software Engineering," 8th Edition, by Ian Sommerville
Explain the importance of safety-, mission-, business-, and security-critical systems; Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of good software engineering practices for critical systems; Describe and explain the terminology, accepted practices, and procedures used in software engineering; Explain the differences among software engineering, computer science and systems engineering; Decide which computer languages are well suited to modern critical systems (and explain why); Explain a variety of life-cycle models; Read and demonstrate an understanding of the software engineering literature; and Demonstrate a basic understanding of the existing standards (e.g. FAA and IEEE) applicable to software systems
Quick summary/intro to C, OOP, Linux, UML, Ada Intro to SWE Terminology Project management & ethics Defining and modelling requirements Design considerations Code development – Not coding V&V Management Software Standards
Software engineering project where you will have to extensively use course knowledge Develop a software/hardware system Two teams with sub-teams concentrating on different aspects Winning team gets 3% extra credit Most importantly bragging rights! Project details will be posted on Angel
"Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn," Herbert A. Simon (Nobel prize winner, one of founders of AI and Cognitive Science, and former Carnegie Mellon professor) Herbert A. Simon There are three critical components to learning: Learning is a process not a product. Learning involves changes in knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, or attitudes. Learning is not something done to students, but rather something students themselves do. It is the direct result of how students interpret and respond to their experiences -- conscious and unconscious, past and present. from "How Learning Works," by Ambrose, DiPeitro, Lovett, and Norman (2010)"How Learning Works,"
Five Pillars of Aerospace: Software in Spacecraft accidents: Need for SWE: archives/2008/200801/ Long.pdfhttp:// archives/2008/200801/ Long.pdf Will SWE ever be engineering: F22 Glitch: