Better Together Inclusion works 1
Our Vision In Peel, all children play, learn and grow together 2
Agenda Icebreaker Empathy What is Inclusion? Power of Language Benefits of Inclusion Activity Adapting the Environment Equality vs Equity Questions 3
Icebreaker Describe a time when you were not included or you were left out of something that others were participating in. How did this make you feel?" 4
Empathy “Empathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another’s state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to ‘put oneself into another’s shoes’, or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself” Anonymous 5
Why teach EMPATHY…. Children become more respectful and have caring relationships Produces more pro-social behaviors Children become more responsible citizens Reduces levels of bullying and aggression in children 6
Definition of Special Needs Children ranging in age from birth to twelve years who, due to emotional, familial, physical, behavioural, developmental, cognitive, communicative or emotional factors are at risk of not maximizing their potential. Special needs encompasses children, who require support and assistance with daily living, whether formally diagnosed or not and whether a diagnosis is short or long term in nature. OMSSA definition 7
What is Inclusion? “An approach to practice in early learning and care settings where all children are accepted and served within a program and where each child and family experiences a sense of belonging and no child or family is stigmatized or marginalized.” Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice, College of Early Childhood Educators, February
“Inclusion means to bring people in, rather than to exclude them – in thought, word and deed.” Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice, College of Early Childhood Educators, February
Video Carly’s Cafe 10
Power of Language Ensure the person comes first The special need comes second Eg. The Child with special needs Appropriate positive wording supports: Attitudes Beliefs Dignity Value 11
Words with dignityWords to avoid Child with special needs Handicapped Typical Normal Intellectual needs Mentally handicapped Child with Autism Autistic Born with…. Birth defect Support need Behaviour problem Toronto Children’s Services 2007, pg. 4 12
Inclusion is for Everyone In your group define each role and how they are able to strengthen inclusion within the classroom: Children Classroom Teacher Parent 13
Inclusion Ensures All children have the right to live and learn in an equitable society (Ontario Early Learning Framework, Statement of Principles) All children (have)the opportunity to form friendships and meaningful experiences within their community (Toronto Children’s Services, 2007) 14
All children become active members in society without discrimination Empathy and an acceptance of individual differences (Toronto Children’s Services, 2007) Exposure to diverse skills and abilities and provides a foundation for a lifetime of understanding and respecting differences 15
Inclusion Ensures The teacher is a role model for all children in the class on how to celebrate different strengths and abilities New ways of creatively addressing challenges and contributing to a diverse learning environment Collaborative problem solving and teamwork skills 16
All staff benefit from enhanced training opportunities and broadened experiences The teacher is flexible and responsive to the needs of the day 17
Inclusion Ensures All parents have support and connections in their local community, including access to their neighborhood child care Greater opportunity to develop friendship with other parents 18
Better understanding, awareness and appreciation of individual differences and diversity Increased opportunities for self advocacy and seeing social justice in action 19
DRAFT “Early childhood settings must encourage healthy dialogue about the principles and shared beliefs that relate to inclusion, diversity and equity. They must recognize every child as a citizen with equal rights and unique views about how to participate in the world.” Ontario Early Learning Framework, Statement of Principles 20
What’s necessary for some is good for all. 21
Adapting the Environment Environmental support may require some altering of the physical space or the materials provided, in order to promote engagement and learning for all children. 23
Make small changes in your child care environment Altering or modifying materials in your child care classroom may make the time that a child with special needs spends with you easier and more enjoyable and allow all children to participate independently. 24
Model for adapting classroom materials: Stabilize Enlarge Enhance Simplify 25
Activity Each group will focus on an area in the classroom and/or routine and explain what adaptations could be made: Block AreaTransitions Art AreaLunch SensorySleep Room Large Group/Circle Time 26
"Inclusion is not a strategy to help people fit into the systems and structures which exist in our societies; it is about transforming those systems and structures to make it better for everyone. Inclusion is about creating a better world for everyone." Diane Richler, President, Inclusion International 28
Self Reflection Take time to write down two ways to promote inclusion to your classroom 29
Resources/References Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice, College of Early Childhood Educators, February 2011 Ontario Early Learning Framework, Statement of Principles Inclusion: Policy Development Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Programs, Toronto Children’s Services, Toronto, Canada Peel Children’s Charter of Rights