Performance Enhancement (Ergogenic Aids)
Ergoenic aids help to enhance performance. Some are legal such as technical footwear and swim ware. Some are illegal such as drugs. Each governing body has its own code of practice of what is and is not allowed. This however does not stop some athletes from trying to cheat!
Dietary Manipulation Pre – Competition Carbohydrate loading increases body’s glycogen stores. 10 day method, high intensity training 7 days before event to deplete glycogen store on a diet of high fats and protein. 3 days before competition lower intensity of training and diet of high carbohydrates and fluid. This loads the muscles with glycogen.
Dietary Manipulation Competition Day To top up glycogen stores eat a high carbohydrate meal 2-4 hours before event. Do Not eat carbohydrates an hour before event as can cause rebound hypoglycaemia, decreasing muscles stores of glycogen.
Dietary Manipulation During Exercise During activity of 45 mins or more performers should consume frequent small amounts of food or drink high in carbohydrate. This delays fatigue. Examples of good food for this are bananas, jelly beans, glucose tablets.
Dietary Manipulation Fluid Intake During Exercise We loose fluid at rest but more so when exercising through sweat and respiration When you feel thirsty you are passed dehydration so fluid should be consumed regularly. During prolonged exercise drinking water helps to reduce dehydration and optinises performance.
Water is as important as fule for performance. Dehydration leads to an increase in temperature, which can lead to heat exhaustion. It is therefore vital that a performer starts their activity well hydrated and tops up levels regularly.
Types of Sports Drinks Hypotonic – lower level of glucose than blood. Needed during prolonged exercise when fluid replenishment is vital. During every 10 mins to maintain hydration and partially top up energy level. Isotonic – same level of glucose as blood. For endurance events to promote hydration and replenish glucose levels. Hypertonic – recovery drink post activity. High level of glucose. Can cause dehydration if drunk during event.
Dietary Manipulation Post Competition For first 2 hours of recovery body is highly receptive to breaking down and converting carbohydrate to glycogen, this speeds up glycogen recovery. Adding proteins within the flirts hour also makes recovery quicker.
Creatine Supplements Made up of amino acids. Small amount stored as phospho-creatine in muscle. Use for APT re-synthesise. Supplements in tablet form are taken. Aim is to increase stores and make ATP/PC system more efficient. Readily available on high street and are legal.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Produced in pituitary gland facilitating growth and development. Synthetically produced HGH is used by some athletes as a substitute or to complement anabolic steroids It is illegal to be used to enhance performance in sport.
Gene Doping A new complex and controversial method. Although very difficult to detect. Some genes are better for aerobic and some for anaerobic exercise.
Blood Doping Increasing number of red blood cells. Remove and store some of athletes blood 4 weeks before an event. Body will replenish the missing red blood cells. Just before event re-infuse stored blood. Increased levels haemoglobin aids transportation of oxygen.
Recombinant Erythropoietin (RH EPO) Hormone erythropoietin found in the body, secreted by kidneys. Its job is to regulate/increase red blood cell production. RH EPO is a artificial copy and can be injected. It is illegal to use in sport as it has the same effect as blood doping.
Cooling Aids Pre cooling Cooling jacket, cold wet towels. Aim to lower skin temperature. Part of warm up for about mins. Advisable before prolonged exercise in hot climates. Cooling too much will hamper performance and pose a risk to health. Ideal skin temperature for performance 5-16oC
Post cooling Called cryotherapy Aides recovery of acute and chronic injury. Ice baths/wraps. Reduce swelling and blood leaking into tissue.
Anabolic Steroids Synthetic derivative of testosterone. Promotion of bone maturation and development of muscle mass. Aids repair of damaged tissue and recovery after exercise. Can be in tablet form, solution for injection, or as a cream to rub onto body. Used by body builders and weight lifters.
Analgesics/Anti-Inflammatory Agents Range from over the counter aspirin and ibuprofen to banned form of cortisone injection. Relieve pain and reduce swelling. Used prior to competition to mask pain in order to allow performer to participate.
Masking Agents Aim to prevent identification of a banned agent. E.g. Diuretics increase urine production to help athlete flush steroids from their system.
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