WinCVS Training è Basic Concepts è Download & Setup è Importing a new module into CVS Repository è Getting new module from CVS è Getting Latest version from CVS è Commit your changes to CVS è Viewing History è Tagging(Labeling) è Adding/Removing files and directories è Branching è Locking / Unlocking è Who’s editing that file?
WinCVS Training Basic Concepts è Repository è Sandbox è Multiple people working on the project at one time.
WinCVS Training Download & Setup Follow the “Download & Installation Guide WinCVS.doc” from the following path: After installation, Start WinCVS from Start->Programs->Gnu->WinCVS 1.2->WinCVS
WinCVS Training Importing a new module into CVS Repository Choose the "Create -> Import module" menu. In the Import settings dialog, type a module name. This will be the name of the top-level directory for the module when people check it out. Type your name, or your company name (no spaces) in the Vendor tag field. Type "start" in the Release tag field. If you want to enter any log message also you can enter in the same dialog box.
WinCVS Training Getting new module from CVS Choose “Create->Checkout module” menu. In "checkout settings" dialog, enter the module name (Complete path in the repository), Choose the directory in which you want the module to be located. According to the requirement, select the other options in the other tabs like "Checkout options" and "Globals" Press the OK button.
WinCVS Training Getting Latest Version from CVS Select the directory, file or files that you want to update. Click the right mouse button on the selection, and choose the Update selection menu item. Make sure "Create missing directories that exist in the repository" is checked. Press the OK button. Resolve conflicts manually if there are any. The conflicting area is marked like this: >>>>>> revision “Query Update” is useful for you to query whether any updations are there for the file, files or folder.
WinCVS Training Commit your changes to CVS Before committing you should do an update to make sure there are no conflicts. Select the directory, file or files that you want to commit. Click the right mouse button on the selection, and choose the Commit selection menu item. In the Commit settings dialog, enter a log message. This step is optional, but it is highly recommended that you take some time to shortly describe what was changed. Press the OK button. This is similar to Check-in in VSS.
WinCVS Training Viewing History Select the directory, file or files that you want to know more about (history). Click the right mouse button on the selection, and choose one of "Diff. Selection", "Log selection", "Status selection" or "Graph selection". If a dialog box pops up, enter any necessary information, and press the OK button. Diff : Differences b/w two revisions Log : Shows log messages, dates, tags, authors, etc. Status : Displays the modification status of the given files. Graph : A rather cool feature that shows the revision graph for a single file.
WinCVS Training Tagging(Labeling) Select the directory, file or files that you want to tag. Click on the "Modify->Create a tag on selection" menu item. Enter the label in the "New tag name" input field. (See below for restrictions on tag names.) Select any other options upon requirement. Press OK button For the naming convention of the tags pls.. Refer to “Labelling.doc”
WinCVS Training Adding/Removing files and directories Adding new files to Project: Place the directory, file or folder in your working folder of the project module. Select the directory, file or files that you want to add. Click the right mouse button on the selection, and choose the Add selection or Add selection binary menu item. Use binary for non-text files, otherwise the files will be corrupted by CVS! As the files are only marked for addition, you have to commit them to enter them in the repository. Removing files from Project: Select the file or files that you want to remove. Click on the "Modify->Remove selection" menu item. As the files are only marked for removal, you have to commit them to remove them from the repository.
WinCVS Training Branching Create a Branch: Select the directory or files that you want to branch. Click on the "Modify -> Create a branch on selection" menu item. In the New branch name input field, enter a tag name that you want to use on your branch. Turn on the "Check that the files are unmodified before branching" checkbox. Press the OK button.
WinCVS Training Branching Working on created branch: Select the top-level directory of the project. Click the right mouse button on the selection, and choose the Update selection menu item. Make sure "Create missing directories that exist in the repository" is checked. Select the Sticky options tab. Click the Retrieve rev./tag/branch checkbox. In the Retrieve rev./tag/branch input field, enter the tag name of the branch you want to switch to. Press the OK button.
WinCVS Training Branching Merging from a branch Move your local copy to the branch you want to merge the changes into. Select the top-level directory of the project. Click the right mouse button on the selection, and choose the Update selection menu item. Make sure Create missing directories that exist in the repository is checked. Select the Merge options tab. Click the Only this rev./tag radio button. In the Only this rev./tag input field, enter the tag name of the branch you want to merge from. Press the OK button.
WinCVS Training Locking / Unlocking Locking: Select the Directory, file or files to be locked. Click on the "Trace -> lock selection" menu item. Unlocking: Select the Directory, file or files to be unlocked. Click on the "Trace -> Unlock selection" menu item.
WinCVS Training Who’s editing that file? Click on the "Trace -> Editors of selection" menu item. Note: Project needs to be checked out with “Checkout with Read-only” option. The Editor information is shown in Log window.