LHC status Monday 22 nd June 2015 Coordination: Wolfgang Hofle, Mike Lamont
TS1 LHC back to OP tonight at 17h00 Patrol completed this afternoon, still some outstanding items. All activities completed except: P4: activities related to BWS at 5R4 and RF commissioning RF conditioning completed by Saturday 20 th Evening DOROS installation completed by Friday Unlock-out: P2 unlocked except DFBX3L2 (Friday morning); P4 unlocked Friday morning P5 unlocked Friday morning P6 unlocked Friday morning P8 done TS1 detailed schedule: lpc/TS2015/Global%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspx lpc/TS2015/Global%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspx Access constraints: lpc/TS2015/Access%20Constraints/Forms/AllItems.aspx lpc/TS2015/Access%20Constraints/Forms/AllItems.aspx 2 MAJOR TECHNICAL STOP Big thanks to Marzia Bernardini and the OSS team 22/6/2015
Weekend overview Full cryogenics no yet back – Waiting on Sector 78 arc (CS) and inner triplet In the shadowL – RF conditioning and tests – to OP 23:00 Saturday – LBDB generator change and tests – Powering tests and follow-up of issues – Transfer line tests with beam – BLM Injection Interlock Inhibit deployment – Orthogonal CMS cryogenic problem – Extensive debugging 22/6/2015 3
Cryogenics The initial problem is a partial breakdown of the insulation vacuum of the main 4.5 K refrigerator whose stabilization has required to install additional pumping systems. As the insulation vacuum is deteriorated, the available power is degraded too. The above problem has generated an initial delay of about 36 hours to restart the sector cooling down. The cooling down of the sectors S78/S81 at ~2 K should be ended for Sunday noon. But!!! We have to stabilize the sector S78 and complete IT cooling down, DBF & LSS levelling. 22/6/ Gerard Ferlin
RF conditioning RF handover to OP Saturday evening – Some problems starting ADT: water cooling for tetrode amplifiers - access 23:20 access on Friday in PZ45 for RF-insulation vacuum interlock problem… – RF cavities fully conditioned conditioning started 6 a.m. Saturday first two cavities for LLRF by 15:00 12 cavities & LLRF ready by 18:00 16 cavities & LLRF ready by 23:00 – LLRF controllers re-started feedbacks set-up – Some issues linked to new front-end processors – Estimate for future technical stops 24 h from start of conditioning to handover of RF (if cavities emptied) Philippe, Helga, Pierre, Andy for the RF team 22/6/2015 6
ADT – Switched ON, sent to injection ok – D.V. “it was working when I Ieft it … “ Point 4 cooling problem – issue with valve on demineralised water – piquet intervention during night, ok after intervention on Sunday a.m. (CV) – affected all RF and half of ADT (right of IP4) – RF and ADT being switched ON now Power amplifier changed on Sunday 22/6/ Looking good
LBDS Friday evening – Nicolas Magnin and Nicolas Voumard in point 6 investigating an issue with LBDS, one generator was in error. Etienne - Saturday morning – We have a major problem with one of the LBDS generator (broken diode in the free-wheel circuit). Diode stack broke at 7 TeV during an energy scan for re-validation of the system at the end of the TS. – Generator will have to be exchanged Saturday with the lengthy re-commissioning of the LBDS afterwards. Generator change done Conditioning with energy scan completed (and then repeated) on Sunday - delay values different? (see over) 4 h run at > 7 TeV 22/6/ Big thanks to Nicolas Magnin, Nicolas Voumard and team
LBDS – new generator energy scan 22/6/2015 9
BLMs Deployed firmware for “Injection Interlock Inhibit” in two crates – Tests shown correct behaviour. Apart from the cases in the previous messages, tested also that it does not trigger for when each condition needed is wrong. – In short for the two crates at injection if an InhibitTime is set to a time value > 0, the beam energy is below 460 GeV and the HIX.W20-CT (Warning injection 20 ms) event is sent then all interlocks going to the BLM-MSK output will be inhibit for the time equal to that set. – We leave the new version deployed at SR2.I and SR8.I crates, but with the InhibitTime = 0, i.e. it is inactive. Christos Zamantzas and Stephen Jackson 22/6/
Beam to TEDs Beam down both transfer lines up to TEDs TI2 We checked the TI 8 steering with 6 bunches. Situation before 4 amps change and after, with fine corrections in the region upstream the downstream TED where the first two collimators are located. Looks OK now, some fine tuning to be done in the region of the collimators downstream the TED when we inject into LHC. Wolfgang Bartmann Chiara Bracco 22/6/
Powering tests RQ10.L1B2 – FAST Abort at Nominal Current and call the piquet to check if the FWD fault doesn't appear anymore (to be done with an FPA from PIC) RQ8.L4B1 – FAST Abort at Nominal Current and call the piquet to check if the FWD fault doesn't appear anymore (to be done with an FPA from PIC) RQ5.R4B1 – FAST Abort at Nominal Current and call the piquet to check if the FWD fault doesn't appear anymore (to be done with an FPA from PIC) RQ7.L1B2 - Go to flat top and call us for checking I_MEAS versus I_OUT S78 - Launch precycle and use table for controlling converters asap RCBV20.L8B1 - PCC and PNO.d1 RSD1.A34B1 - PIC2, PLI3.b1 (no need to perform local measurements) RB.A56 - PIC2 and check that the switch opens correctly, PCC and check current lead signals, A8R5 and B8R5 signals and see that they are alive (infos to be reported to MP3 who analyses) RQTF.A34B1 – PCC.5 and PIC2_Circuit_quench_via_QPS RB.A81 - PIC2 CIRCUIT QUENCH VIA QPS RQD.A81 - PIC2 CIRCUIT QUENCH VIA QPS RQF.A81 - PIC2 CIRCUIT QUENCH VIA QPS RTQX2.L2 – PCC.T4, PIC2 and PNO.d12 For MP3, please call Per Hagen today and Michele Modena tomorrow. For PIC, please call Ivan Romera. For EPC, the is again available 24/7. 22/6/ Mirko Pojer Fully complete (except S78) Number of issues resolved on the way
Once beam is back… 22/6/
Followed by scrubbing 22/6/